Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/698

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1606 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES Ministry of Public Health, Labor and Social Welfare: Report of the Minister; Bulletin of the General Office of Public Health; Health Pamphlets. Ministry of Public Education: Report of the Minister; Review of Education; Official Program of Education. Ministry of Justice and Worship: Report of the Minister; Annals of the Supreme Court; Report of the President (Chief Justice) of the Supreme Court; Report of the President of the Superior Court. Ministry of War: Report of the Minister; Review of the Military School of Peru; Bulletin of the Class. Ministry of Marine and Aviation: Report of the Minister; The Review, "Aviation"; Review of the Naval School of Peru; The Review, "Alas" (Wings), from the Office of the General Command of Aviation. National AgrarianSociety: Annual Report. National Society of Industries: The Review, "La Industria Peruana" (Peruvian Industries). UniversidadMayor de San Marcos de Lima. (Great University of San Marcos de Lima). Annual Report of the Rector; University Review "Letras" (Organ of the Faculty of Letters); Bibliographical Bulletin (from the Central Library of the Uni- versity); Review of the Faculty of Law; Review of the Faculty of Medicine. University of Guzco: University Review; Report of the Rector. University of Arequipa: Annual Report of the Rector; University Review. University of Trujillo: Annual Report of the Rector; University Review. National Museum: Review of the Museum; Albums of Peruvian Art.