Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/700

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1608 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES 5. Confidential publications, blank forms, and circular letters not of a public nature are not to be included in this exchange. 6. So far as offices which at this time do not issue publications and which are not mentioned in the attached lists, there is the under- standing that publications issued in the future by the offices shall be furnished in one copy. 7. Each party to the agreement shall bear the postal, railroad, steamship and other charges arising in its own country. 8. Both parties express their willingness so far as possible, to expedite shipments. 9. This agreement is not concerned with the already existing ex- change agreements between the various government departments, etc. of the two countries. I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. Lois G. DREYFUS, jr. His Excellency Charge d'Affaires, a. i. Doctor ALBERTO ULLOA, Minister of ForeignAffairs, Lima. [LIST OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, OF- FICES, AND INSTITUTIONS, OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF WHICH ARE TO BE FURNISHED TO THE PERUVIAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND PERU. 1 ] 1. Congress. (Publications include the Congressional record, bound; the Journals, Documents, and Reports, bound, of both the Senate and the House of Representatives; and all docu- ments not bearing a Congressional number printed by order of either House) 2. The President of the United States 3. Department of State 4. Department of the treasury, and the following subordinate bu- reaus a. Office of the Comptroller of currency b. Office of the Treasurer of the United States c. Bureau of customs d. Bureau of internal revenue e. Federal alcohol administration f. Bureau of mint . Bureau of the Public Health Service . Coast Guard i. Bureau of the Budget 'This list was transmitted to the Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs by the American Embassy with a note dated Feb. 24, 1937.