Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/702

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1610 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES 12. Department of Labor, including the following subordinate offices: a. Bureau of Labor Statistics b. Immigration and Naturalization Service c. Children's Bureau d. Women's Bureau e. Employment Service 13. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 14. Board of Tax Appeals 15. Bureau of American Ethnology 16. Civil Service Commission 17. Court of Claims of the United States 18. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals 19. District of Columbia Government 20. Farm Credit Administration 21. Federal Communications Commission 22. Federal Home Loan Bank Board 23. Federal Housing Administration 24. Federal Power Commission 25. Federal Trade Commission 26. General Accounting Office 27. Government Printing Office 28. Interstate Commerce Commission 29. Library of Congress (Including the Copyright Office) 30. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 31. National Archives 32. National Mediation Board 33. National Museum 34. Securities and Exchange Commission 35. Smithsonian Institution (Only publications issued by the Gov- ernment printing office) 36. Social Security Board 37. Supreme Court of the United States 38. Tariff Commission 39. Veterans' Administration