Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/727

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RUMANIA-PARCEL POST 12,1937 August 10, 1937 Sauf arrangement special con- traire entre les pays interesses, aucune indemnit6 ne sera payee par l'un ou l'autre des pays pour la perte de colis assures en transit originaires d'un pays qui ne par- ticipe pas a cet Arrangement, a destination de l'un des deux pays contractants. Lorsqu'un colis avec valeur declaree provenant d'un pays et destine a etre remis dans 1'autre pays est reexpedie de la sur un tiers pays ou y est renvoy6e la demande de l'exp6diteur ou du destinataire, l'ayant-droit I'in- demnite, en cas de perte, de spoliation ou d'avarie survenue subsequemment a la reexpedition ou au renvoi du colis par le pays de 1'adresse primitive, ne peut pr6tendre, le cas echeant, qu'a 'indemnit6 que consent A verser ou-suivant 'entente intervenue entre les pays interess6s directe- ment a la reexp6dition ou au renvoi-que doit payer le pays ou le fait s'est produit. Chacun des deux pays signataires du present Arrangement qui reexpedie A tort un colis avec valeur declaree sur un tiers pays, est responsable envers l'exp6diteur dans la meme mesure que le pays d'origine, done dans les limites du present Ar- rangement. 2. Les Administrations sont d& gagees de toute responsabilit6: a) En cas de colis dont les des- tinataires ont pris livraison sans reserves. b) En cas de perte ou d'avarie due a la force majeure; bien que chacune des Administrations puisse, de son gr6 et sans recours contre l'autre Administration, payer indemnit6 pour la perte ou f'avarie due A la force majeure, meme si 1'Administration du pays dans le service duquel la perte ou l'avarie a eu lieu reconnait que le dommage a 6et cause par la force majeure. c) Lorsqu'elles ne sont pas A meme de se rendre compte des colis a la suite de la destruction des documents officiels due a la force majeure. In the absence of special agree- Insuredparcelsorig ment to the contrary between the country. countries involved, no indemnity will be paid by either country for the loss of transit insured parcels originating in a country not par- ticipating in this Agreement and destined for one of the two con- tracting countries. When an insured parcel origi- Re.orwsrding to a nating in one country and des- thirdcountry, et tined to be delivered in the other country is reforwarded from there to a third country or is returned to a third country, at the request of the sender or of the addressee, the party entitled to the indemnity in case of loss, rifling or damage occurring subsequent to the refor- warding or return of the parcel by the original country of destina- tion, can lay claim, in such a case, only to the indemnity which the country where the loss, rifling or damage occurred consents to pay, or which that country is obligated to pay in accordance with the agreement made between the coun- tries directly interested in the reforwarding or return. Either of Resonsibility for the two countries signing the present Agreement which wrongly forwards an insured parcel to a third country is responsible to the sender to the same extent as the country of origin, that is, within the limits of the present Agreement. 2. The Administrations are re- Exnptuons. lieved of all responsibility: a) In case of parcels of which Unconditional ac the addressee has accepted deliv- ePtanc' ery without reservation. b) In case of loss or damage Los, etc., through through force majeure (causes fOrCe a^ure beyond control) although either Administration may at its option and without recourse to the other Administration pay indemnity for loss or damage due to force ma- jeure even in cases where the Administration of the country in the service of which the loss or damage occurred recognizes that the damage was due to force majeure. c) When they are unable to )estrction of off- account for parcels in consequence c do eumntS. of the destruction of official docu- ments through force majeure. 1635