Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/736

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES Charges. Credits. Parcels destined for a third country, etc. Reforwarding or re- turn to origin. Reforwarding or re- turn to third country. 6. Les stipulations de l'Art. 17 paragraphe 3, s'appliqueront A un colis qui est retourn6 a la suite de non-livraison. ART. 17. Bonification des taxes. 1. Pour chaque colis echang6 entre les pays contractants, l'Of- fice exp6diteur bonifie a l'Office destinataire les quotes-parts reve- nant a ce dernier, et indiqu6es dans le Reglement d'Ex6cution. 2. Les sommes a bonifier pour un colis en transit, c'est-a -dire, a destination soit d'une possession, soit d'un tiers pays, sont indiquees de meme dans le R6glement d'Exe- cution. 3. En cas de reexpedition ou retour a l'origine d'un colis, si des nouvelles taxes d'affranchissement, et, s'il s'agit de colis assures, des nouveaux droits d'assurance, sont pergus par l'Office reexp6diteur, le colis est trait6 comme s'il avait origine dans ce pays. Autre- ment, l'Office reexp6diteur re- couvre de l'autre Office la quote- part qui lui est due, c'est-a -dire, suivant le cas: a) les taxes prescrites par le paragraphe 1 ci-dessus; b) les taxes de r6exp6dition ou retour; c) les droits de d6douanement de remise et de magasinage pr6vus Al'Article 13; d) les taxes non-postales qui ne peuvent pas 8tre annulees. En cas de reexpedition ou re- tour A un tiers pays, les frais totaux, A savoir, celles des taxes mention6es sous (a), (b), (c) et (d) ci-dessus qui sont applicables, suivront le colis, mais au cas ou le pays tiers int6resse refuse d'as- sumer les frais parce qu'ils ne peuvent etre percus du destina- taire ou de l'expediteur, suivant le cas, ou pour une autre raison quel- conque, ils seront portes de nou- veau A la charge du pays d'origine. Au cas d'un colis renvoy6 ou reexpedi6 en transit A travers de l'une Administration sur 1'autre, l'Administration interm6diaire Provisions govern- ing non-deliverable parcels. 6. The provisions of Art. 17, Section 3, shall be applied to a parcel which is returned in con- sequence of non-delivery. ART. 17. Charges. 1. For each parcel exchanged between the contracting countries, the dispatching Office credits to the Office of destination the quotas due to the latter, and indicated in the Regulations of Execution. 2.Thesumstobepaidfora parcel in transit, that is, destined either for a possession or for a third country, are likewise indi- cated in the Regulations of Exe- cution. 3. In case of reforwarding or return to origin of a parcel, if new postage and new insurance fees (in the case of insured parcels) are collected by the redispatching Office, the parcel is treated as if it had originated in that country. Otherwise, the redispatching Of- fice recovers from the other Office the quota due to it, namely, as the case may be: a) the charges prescribed by Section 1 above; b) the charges for reforwarding or return; c) the customs clearance, de- livery and storage. charges pro- vided for by Article 13; d) the non-postal charges whose cancellation cannot be obtained. In case of reforwarding or re- turn to a third country, the ac- crued charges, that is, such of the charges mentioned in (a), (b), (c) and (d) above as are applicable, shall follow the parcel, but in the case that the third country con- cerned refuses to assume the charges because they cannot be collected from the addressee or sender, as the case may be, or for any other reason, they shall be charged back to the country of orgin. In the case of a parcel returned or forwarded in transit through one of the two Administrations to or from the other, the inter- 1644