Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/755

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AMERICAS AND SPAIN-POSTAL RELATIONS-DECEMBER 22, 1936 cuando el derecho interno sea mas elevado que el que se aplique segun el Convenio Postal Uni- versal, en cuyo caso este ultimo regira. 2. Salvo en los casos de fuerza mayor, las Administraciones con- tratantes seran responsables de la perdida de todo objeto certificado. El remitente tendra derecho a una indemnizaci6n que no podra exceder en ningun caso de 10 francos oro, o su equivalente en la moneda del pafs que deba hacerla efectiva. 3. No obstante, las Adminis- traciones quedaran relevadas de responsabilidad por la perdida de los objetos certificados cuyo contenido caiga bajo el regimen de las prohibiciones mencionadas por el articulo 15 del presente Con- venio, o que este prohibido por las leyes o reglamentos del pais de origen o de destino, siempre que dicho pafs haya dado el debido conocimiento por la via usual. 4. Se establece, con caracter facultativo, una categoria especial de certificados sin derecho a in- demnizaci6n aplicable a los libros, peri6dicos y demas impresos, pape- les de negocio y muestras sin valor, mediante el pago, ademas de los portes ordinarios, de un derecho reducido cuya cuantia fij aran las Administraclones intere- sadas. El servicio para este nuevo tipo de certificados, esta limitado a8 intercambio con las Adminis- traciones que hayan acordado su ejecuci6n. Para indicar su caracter especial, los objetos deberan sefia- larse con las iniciales -S . I., (sin indemnizaci6n), haci6ndose igual anotaci6n en las listas des- criptivas, en la columna de aOb- servaciones», asi como tambien en las reclamaciones formuladas para investigar su destino. 5. Sin embargo, las Adminis- traciones que adopten de una manera general un derecho de certificaci6n reducido para todos los objetos que no scan cartas ni tarjetas postales, no estaran obliga- das a observar las formalidades establecidas en la parte final del paragrafo anterior. fee is higher than that applicable under the Universal Postal Con- vention, in which case the latter will govern. 2. Save in cases offorce majeure, the contracting Administrations will be responsible for the loss of every registered article. The sender will be entitled to an indemnity which may in no case exceed ten gold francs or the equivalent thereof in money of the country which must pay it. 3. Nevertheless, Administra- tions will be relieved of responsi- bility for loss of registered articles whose contents fallunder the pro- hibitions mentioned in Article 15 of the present Convention,. or which are prohibited by the laws and regulations of the country of origin or of destination, provided that said country has given due notice by the usual means. 4. There is established, as op- tional, a special category of regis- ters without right to indemnity, applicable to books, periodicals and other prints, commercial papers, and samples without value, subject to payment, in addition to the ordinary postage, of a reduced fee whose amount will be fixed by the Administrations concerned. The service of this new type of registered articles is limited to the exchange with the Administrations which have agreed to execute it. In order to indicate their special character, the articles shall be designated by the initials S. I. (Sin indemnzzacidn-without in- demnity), the same notation being made in the Observationscolumn of the descriptive lists, as well as on tracers sent in order to investigate their disposal. 5. Nevertheless,Administra- tions which adopt, in a general manner, a reduced registration fee for all articles other than letters and post cards, will not be obliged to observe the formalities pre- scribed by the last part of the preceding Section. Responsibility. Indemnity. Exceptions. Post, p. 1667. Registers without indemnity right. Limitation of serv ice. 1663