Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/759

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AMERICAS AND SPAIN-POSTAL RELATIONS-DECEMBER 22, 1936 ARTICULO 14 Reducci6n de tasas Los envios que remitan en canje las Direcciones de las Escuelas Primarias Nacionales a sus simi- lares de los paises de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espafia, gozaran de una tarifa especial equivalente al 50% de la ordi- naria, siempre que su peso no exceda de un kilogramo y sujetos siempre a las condiciones que correspondan a su clasificaci6n postal. Queda exceptuada la correspon- dencia de caracter epistolar. ARTICULO 15 Prohibiciones 1. Sin perjuicio de lo que esta- blezcan respecto a restricciones en la circulaci6n de correspondencia, el Convenio vigente de la Uni6n Postal Universal y la legislaci6n interior de cada pals, no se dara curso: a) A las publicaciones que aten- ten contra la seguridad y el orden pdblico; b) A toda publicaci6n que con- tenga conceptos o imputaciones injuriosas contra el regimen legal- mente constituido; c) A las publicaciones porno- graficas, y cualquier otro escrito o publicaci6n cuyo texto se con- sidere ofensivo a la moral y a las buenas costumbres; d) A la correspondencia de cual- quier naturaleza que tenga por objeto la comisi6n de fraudes, estafas o cualesquiera clase de delitos contra la propiedad o per- sonas. A tal fin se procederk de acuerdo con lo que disponga la legislaci6n interna de cada pals; e) A la que tenga por objeto, fundamentalnente, difundir en el pueblo doctrinas comunistas; f) A la correspondencia que contenga dinero en efectivo, bille- tes de banco o valores al portador, ya se trate de ordinaria o certifi- ARTICLE 14 Reduction of rates Articles exchanged by Directors of National Primary Schools and similar institutions of countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain will enjoy a special rate equivalent to 50% of the ordinary rate, whenever their net weight does not exceed one kilogram and they comply with the conditions fixed for their postal classification. Reduction of rates. National Primary Schools, etc. Correspondence of an epistolary Epistolary corre- nature is excepted. spondence. ARTICLE 15 Prohibitions 1. Without prejudice to the pro- Prohibitions. visions of the Universal Postal Convention in force and of the domestic legislation of any coun- try regarding restrictions on the circulation of correspondence, the following will not be forwarded: (a) Publications endangering Publicationsendan- public safety and order. geringpublicsafety. (b) Any publication containing ideas or imputations injurious to the legally constituted r6gime. (c) Pornographic publications, and any other writings or publi- cations whose text is considered offensive to morals and good cus- toms. (d) Correspondence of any na- ture having for its object the com- mission of frauds, swindles or any kind of crimes against property or persons. To that end, the pro- visions of the domestic legislation of each country will be followed. (e) That which has for its fun- damental object the diffusion among the people of communistic doctrines. (f) Correspondence containing money in cash, bank notes, or val- ues payable to the bearer, whether it is a question of ordinary or reg- Injurious to legally constituted regime. PornographIl pub. liatlons. FRadul1t, etc., corrwpondene. Diffusion of cm- munitic doetrine Money in cash, et. 1667