Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/778

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES diciones y el monto de esas jubila- clones y pensiones se sujetaran a las leyes sobre la materia vigentes en el Uruguay para sus propios funcionarios y empleados. 2. Una vez que el Gobierno del Uruguay haya expedido la regla- mentaci6n respectiva, esta se darg a conocer a las Administraciones de la Uni6n, por conducto de la Oficina Internacional. ARTICULO 111 Cuentas y Gastos de la Oficina Internacional Expenses, limita- 1. Los gastos de la Oficina Inter- lon . nacional no podran exceder do la cantidad de 13.000 pesos oro uru- guayos por ano, incluy6ndose en dicha cantidad la constituci6n de un fondo para jubilaci6n del per- sonal de la misma. Division of expen- 2. Para la distribuci6n de los gastos anuales y extraordinarios de la Oficina, los paises contra- tantes se dividen en tres cate- gorias, correspondiendo contribuir a los de la primera con ocho uni- dades; a los de la segunda con cuatro unidades, y a los de la tercera con dos unidades. Pertenecen a la primera cate- goria: Argentina, Brasil, Canada, Espafia, Estados Unidos de Ame- rica y Uruguay; a la segunda categoria: Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Mexico y Perd, y a la tercera categoria: Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Ni- caragua, Panama, Paraguay y Venezuela. Annual acount of 3. La Direcci6n General de Co- xp e n ses . rreos de la Repdblica Oriental del Uruguay, formularA anualmente la cuenta de los gastos a que se Ante, p. 67n. refiere el articulo 23 del Convenio, y de acuerdo con 6ste, las Admi- nistraciones contratantes reinte- graran las sumas que aquella haya anticipado. settlement. 4. La Oficina Internacional practicarA la liquidaci6n de las cuentas relatives a los servicios que se ejecuten entre los paises contratantes, salvo acuerdo en contrario, siguiendo para ello los procedimientos generales estable- amount of such retirement and pensions will be governed by the laws on the subject in force in Uruguay for its own officers and employees. 2. Once that the Government of Uruguay has issued the respective regulations, the latter will be made known to the Administrations of the Union through the intermedi- ary of the International Office. ARTICLE 111 Account and expenses of Interna- tional Office 1. The expenses of the Interna- tional Office may not exceed the annual sum of 13,000 Uruguayan gold pesos; said amount including the establishment of a retirement fund for the personnel thereof. 2. For the division of the annual and extraordinary expenses of the Office, the contracting countries are divided into three classes; those of the first class having to contribute eight units; those of the second, four units; and those of the third, two units. The following belong to the first class: Argentina. Brazil, Canada Spain, the Unted States and Uruguay; the following to the second class: Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Mexico and Peru; and the following to the third class: Bo- livia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nic- aragua, Panama, Paraguay and Venezuela. 3. The Administration of Posts of the Eastern Republic of Uru- guay will prepare annually the ac- count of expenses referred to by Article 23 of the Convention, and, in conformity with that Article, the contracting Administrations will reimburse it for sums which it has advanced. 4. The International Office will effect the settlement of accounts relative to services carried on among the contracting countries, unless a contrary agreement is made, and will follow, in that con- nection, the general procedure es- ti Ie e 1686