Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/784

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES y Espana que transporten su correspondencia, la rebaja de los fletes actuales, y que, en ningun caso, cobren por unidad de peso una suma mayor de la que perciban del pais de origen, salvo en los casos en que por privilegio de paquete o de otra naturaleza, dichas Compafias est6n obligadas al transporte gratuito. V Que los Gobiernos respectivos autoricen la emisi6n de sellos de correos para conmemorar la cele- braci6n de los Congresos Postales Americoespafoles, eligiendo, de acuerdo con la Oficina Interna- cional de Montevideo, disenos aleg6ricos de la reunion de los Congresos o de los vinculos de solidaridad y fraternidad que unen a los paises de America con Espafia. VI Air surcharges, etc. Que las Administraciones de la Uni6n Postal Americoespaiiola, antes de la reuni6n del pr6ximo Congreso, procedan a efectuar estudios cuidadosos respecto a la posibilidad de establecer sobretasas y gastos de transporte aereos Basis suggested. uniformes, tomando como base las sugerencias que figuran a con- tinuaci6n: Surcharges. Sobretasas 1. Los objetos que deban trans- mitirse por la via aerea, pagaran, ademas de las tasas postales reglamentarias, una sobretasa es- pecial de transporte a6reo, deter- minada por la Administraci6n del pais de origen, sin que ella pueda exceder en ningin case de 25 centimos de franco oro por cada 5 gramos o fracci6n y por 1.500 kil6metros de recorrido a6reo. 2. Cuando una Administraci6n adopte para el franqueo de la correspondencia a6rea una tasa que represente la totalidad de los portes, el monto del franqueo exigido no podra ser superior al previsto en el parAgrafo anterior. Americas and Spain which trans- port their correspondence a reduc- tion in the present rates, and their agreement in no case to collect a sum per weight-unit greater than that which they collect from the country of origin, except in cases where, due to packet or other privileges, said companies are obliged to perform gratuitous transportation. V That the respective Govern- ments authorize the issuance of postage stamps in commemoration of the meeting of Americo-Spanish Postal Congresses, selecting, by agreement with the International Office of Montevideo, allegorical designs of the meeting of Con- gresses or of the bonds of solidarity and fraternity which unite the countries of America with Spain. VI That the Administrations of the Americo-Spanish Postal Union, before the meeting of the next Congress, proceed to make careful study of the possibility of fixing uniform air surcharges and trans- portation charges, using the fol- lowing suggestions as the basis: Surcharges 1. Articles to be transmitted by air mail will be liable, in addition to the regular postage rates, to a special surcharge for air trans- portation, fixed by the Adminis- tration of the country of origin, which may in no case exceed 25 centimes of a gold franc for each 5 grams or fraction and for each 1500 kilometers of air trans- mission. 2. When an Administration adopts, for the prepayment of air- mail correspondence, a charge rep- resenting the total of the rates, the amount of postage required may not be higher than that provided for in the preceding Section. Commemorative postage stamps.