Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/787

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1695 AMERICAS AND SPAIN-RESOLUTIONS OF THE CONGRESS IX Que recomienden la emisi6n de un sello oficial analogo para todas las naciones americoespanolas que no tenga denominaci6n, sino que diga simplemente <Corresponden- cia oficial> o <Servicio del Estado>. Que establezcan el servicio de suscripciones a diarios y publica- ciones peri6dicas, mas o menos sobre las bases fijadas en el Acuer- do respective de la Uni6n Postal Universal. XI Que los pafses signatarios pro- pendan a que la reducci6n de las tasas de transporte de la co- rrespondencia por via a6rea, que tienen en estudio los Estados Unidos de America, sea lo mas acentuada posible, a fin de que en un future cercano el servicio de transporte a6reo de la correspon- dencia no asuma el caracter que hoy tiene y se procure asi su mayor difusi6n y aprovechamiento. IX That they recommend the issu- ance of an official postage stamp, similar for all Americo-Spanish nations, having no denomination, but simply reading Corres- pondencia oficial (Official corres- pondence) or Servicio del Estado (Government service). X That they establish the service of subscriptions to newspapers and periodical publications, more or less on the basis fixed by the respective Agreement of the Uni- versal Postal Union. XI That the signatory countries make every effort so that the reduction in transportation charges for airmail correspondence now being studied by the United States of America may be as great as possible, in order that, in the near future, the service of air transportation may cease to have the character which it has today, and thus bring about its more widespread utilization. Official postage stamp. Newspaper, eto., subscriptions. Air transportation rate reduction.