Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/8

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LIST OF PRIVATE LAWS Date Page Lake Denmark, N. J ., damage, etc., claims. AN ACT To provide an appropriation for the payment of claims of persons who suf- fered property damage, death, or personal injury due to the explosion at the naval ammunition depot, Lake Denmark, New Jersey, July 10, 1926------------------------------------- June 28, 1937------ 1004 Montrose Grimstead. AN ACT For the relief of Montrose Grim- stead ..-- -

June 28, 1937------- 1004 Dorothy, Mrs. Carol M., and Charles A. White. AN ACT For the relief of Dorothy White, Mrs. Carol M. White, and Charles A. White-------------------------

June 28, 1937---- - 1005 Goldie Durham. AN ACT For the relief of Goldie Durham--------- June 28, 1937 ------ 1005 Claude Curteman. AN ACT For the relief of Claude Curteman---- June 28, 1937------- 1006 F. M. Loeffler. AN ACT For the relief of F. M. Loeffler ------ --- June 28, 1937------- 1006 Bees Morgan, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Rees Morgan --------------------------

June 28, 1937------- 1006 Elbert Arnold Jarrell. AN ACT For the relief of Elbert Arnold Jar- rell - - ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ -----

June 29, 1937------- 1007 Otis Cordle. AN ACT For the relief of Otis Cordle, a minor-------- June 29, 1937------- 1007 Mrs. Louis Abner. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Louis Abner --- June 29, 1937------- 1008 Sarah L. Smith. AN ACT For the relief of Sarah L. Smith ------- June 29, 1937------ 1008 John Knaack. AN ACT For the relief of John Knaack -- _-- --- --- June 29, 1937------- 1008 Leah Levine. AN ACT For the relief of Leah Levine ------------- June 29, 1937 ----- 1009 R. N. and Minnie Teague. AN ACT For the relief of R. N . Teague and Minnie Teague-------------------------- June 29, 1937 ----- 1009 Rev. Harry J. Hill. AN ACT For the relief of Reverend Harry J. Hill_ June 29, 1937 ------ 1010 John E. CaUaway, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of John E. Callaway --------------------------------- June 29, 1937------- 1010 Albert Retellatto. AN ACT Fortherelief ofAlbertRetellatto, a minor_ June 29, 1937------- 1011 Martin J. Blazevich. AN ACT For the relief of Martin J. Blazevich_ June 29, 1937------- 1011 Lucy Jane Ayer. AN ACT For the relief of Lucy Jane Ayer----- June 29, 1937------- 1012 Sarah E. Palmer. AN ACT For the relief of Sarah E. Palmer----- June 29, 1937------- 1012 Charles W. Benton. AN ACT Conferring jurisdiction upon the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkan- sas to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the claim of Charles W. Benton------------------------------------- June 29, 1937------ 1012 Harold Scott and Ellis Marks. AN ACT For the relief of Harold Scott and Ellis Marks ------------------------------- June 29, 1937 ------ 1013 Angelo and Auro Cattaneo. AN ACT For the relief of Angelo and Auro Cattaneo----------------------------------------- July 5, 1937------- 1013 James Philip Coyle. AN ACT For the relief of James Philip Coyle - - July 6, 1937-------- 1014 Jackson Casket and Manufacturing Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Jackson Casket and Manufacturing Company-- _ _ _ -- - July 6, 1937-------- 1014 E. W. Garrison. AN ACT For the relief of E. W. Garrison ------- July 8, 1937-------- 1014 Clifford R. and Mabel D. George. AN ACT For the relief of Clifford R. George and Mabel D. George ------------------------ July 8, 1937-------- 1015 Paul J. Francis. AN ACT For the relief of Paul J. Francis-------- July 8, 1937-------- 1015 Lonnie 0. Ledford. AN ACT For the relief of Lonnie O. Ledford--- July 8, 1937-------- 1016 Timothy Joseph McCarthy. AN ACT For the relief of Timothy Joseph McCarthy------------------------------------- July 8, 1937-------- 1016 E. P. Lewis. AN ACT For the relief of E. P. Lewis--------------- July 8, 1937-------- 1016 John H. Wykle. AN ACT For the relief of John H. Wykle-------- July 8, 1937------- 1017 H. E. Wingard. AN ACT For the relief of H. E. Wingard --------- July 8, 1937-------- 1017 John L. Summers and others. AN ACT For the relief of John L. Summers, former disbursing clerk, Treasury Department; and Frank White, G. F. Allen, H. T. Tate, and W. O. Woods, former Treasurers of the United States--------------------- July 8, 1937-------- 1017 Richard T. Edwards. AN ACT For the relief of Richard T. Edwards- July 8, 1937 ------- 1018 Frank A. Smith. AN ACT For the relief of Frank A. Smith..----- July 8, 1937-------- 1018 Veterans' Administration, etc., disbursing officers. AN ACT For the relief of certain former disbursing officers of the Veterans' Ad- ministration and of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Federal Board for Vocational Education, and the United States Veter- ans' Bureau (now Veterans' Administration) ---------------- July 8, 1937-------- 1019 Dorothy McCourt. AN ACT For the relief of Dorothy McCourt---- July 8, 1937-------- 1021 John Brennan. AN ACT For the relief of John Brennan -- ___---_ July 8, 1937-------- 1021 Raymond E. and Anna R. Payne. AN ACT For the relief of Ray- mond E. Payne and Anna R. Payne --------------- - - July 8, 1937-------- 1022 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter. AN ACT For the relief of Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Porter------------------------------


- July 8, 1937-------- 1022 Laura E. Alexander. AN ACT For the relief of Laura E. Alexander_ July 8, 1937 ------- 1023 Northwestern Ohio Mutual Rodded Fire Insurance Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Northwestern Ohio Mutual Rodded Fire Insurance Company --- _-- -------_-- ----------- --___ July 8, 1937-------- 1023 C. O. Eastman. AN ACT For the relief of C. O. Eastman ---- _-- - July 8, 1937 ------- 1024 A. L. Mallery. AN ACT For the relief of A. L. Mallery ---------- July 8, 1937 ------- 1024