Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/807

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AMERI1'AS AND) SPAIN-MONEY ORDERS-DECEMBER 22, 1936 postales, un saldo que exceda de 25.(000 francos oro, o la equiva- Iclnia aproxinada de esta canti- dad, en su propia moneda, la Administraci6n deudora debe en- viar a la mayor brevedad posible, a la otra y comno anticipo a buena cuelilta, una cantidad aproximada al saldo (lo las cuentas de la liqui- daci6n trimestral a quo se refiere el articulo 17. ARTICULO 20 Suspensi6n del servicio Las Administraciones de los paises contratantes podran, en cir- cunstancias extraordinarias, sus- pender temporalmente la emisi6n de giros postales y adoptar todas aqilellas disposiciones que estimen convenientes, para salvaguardar los intereses de las Adininistra- cion(s y para evitar cualquier agio (Jlue por los particulares o comler- ciantes pudiere intentarse cometer por medio del servicio do giros. La Administraci6n que adopte alguna de las medidas aludidas en el parrafo anterior, debera comu- nicarlo con toda urgencia a las Adnlinistraciones con quienes cam- bie giros postales. ARTICULO 21 Giros telegrdficos Las disposiciones de este Acuer- do se haran extensivas al servicio de giros telegraficos, entre aquellos paises que convengan en efectuar- lo; y para el efecto, previo arreglo entre si, fijaran las condiciones reglamentarias del propio servicio. accounts, a balance in excess of 25,000 gold francs, or the approxi- mate equivalent of that amount in its own money, the debtor Ad- ministration shall send the other Administration as soon as possible, as an advance payment on ac- count, an amount approximating the balance of the accounts for the quarterly settlement referred to by Article 17. ARTICLE 20 Suspension of service The Administrations of the con- tracting countries may, under extraordinary circumstances, tem- porarily suspend the issuance of money orders and adopt such pro- visions as they deem necessary to safeguard the interests of the Ad- ministrations and avoid any specu- lation through the money order service by individuals or commer- cial institutions. An Administration adopting any of the measures referred to in the preceding paragraph shall imme- diately give notice of the fact to the Administrations with which it exchanges money orders. ARTICLE 21 Telegraphic orders The provisions of this Agree- ment will be extended to the serv- ice of telegraphic orders among those countries which agree to perform it; and, to that end, after previous agreement among them- selves, they will fix the conditions regulating the said service. Ante, p. 1713. ARTICULO 22 ARTICLE 22 Proposiciones durante el intervalo Propositionsin the interval between de las reunioncs meetings El presente Acuerdo podrA ser modificado en el intervalo que medie entre los Congresos, siguien- do el procedimiento establecido en el Convenio vigente de la The present Agreement may be modified in the interval between Congresses in the manner pre- scribed by the Universal Postal Convention in force. In order for Modifications be- tween Congresses. 49 Stat. 2741. Temporary suspen- sion ofservice. Notice to be given. Telegraphic orders.