Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/851

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936 northeasterly with State Highway No. 7 to its junction with an east and west road about 1 mile south of Abbeville; thence easterly with said east and west road to its junction with the Abbeville-Cedar Hill Road; thence southerly with the meanders of the Abbeville-Cedar Hill Road approximately 1 mile to a road fork; thence easterly with a public road crossing Norris Creek to the point where said road crosses Long Cane Creek; thence northerly with the meanders of Long Cane Creek to the point where said creek is crossed by a public road about h%mile above the mouth of McCord Creek; thence westerly with said public road approximately % mile to first road fork; thence northerly with the right-hand road to the point where said road crosses the Southern Railway at Deriah; thence a northeasterly direction with the meanders of the Southern Railway approxi- mately 3 miles to the point where it is crossed by a public road; thence southeasterly with said road crossing State Highway No. 7 at Allen's Chapel to a junction with another road at Wood- lawn School; thence southwesterly with said road approximately 1 mile to the junction with a secondary road connecting State Highways Nos. 10 and 7; thence southeasterly with said second- ary road passing its junction with State Highway No. 10 to a point on the C. & W. C . Railroad; thence southwesterly with the meanders of the C. & W. C . Railroad to Bradley; thence south- easterly, easterly, and northeasterly with the meanders of a secondary road passing Rushville, Callison and Rosa, crossing U. S. Highway No. 25, about % mile south of Kirksey, passing Kirksey and taking right-hand road about Y mile north thereof, to its junction with U. S . Highway No. 178; thence southeasterly with U. S . Highway No. 178 approximately 5% miles to its junction with a secondary road leading to the right; thence southeasterly with the meanders of said secondary road to its junction with State Highway No. 43; thence southwesterly and westerly with State Highway No. 43, to its junction with the Five Notch Road; thence in a general southeasterly direction with the meanders of the Five Notch Road to a road fork at Young Macedonia Church; thence westerly with the meanders of the right-hand road to the point where it crosses Stevens Creek at the Shaw and McKee Bridge; thence southwesterly with the meanders of Stevens Creek to the place of beginning. The boundaries of the Sumter National Forest are graphically shown on the diagram attached hereto and made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 13" day of July, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-six and of the [SEAL] Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-first. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT By the President: CORDELL HULL Secretary of State. 1753