Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/896

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936 John Hossteller Survey, passing the fifth, sixth, seventh, and be- ginning corners southwesterly 191.00 chains to the second corner thereof and identical with the third corner of the Thomas James Survey, Abstract No. 287; thence with said Thomas James Sur- vey N 75°00' W 33.67 chains to the West Fork of San Jacinto River; thence down and with the West Fork of San Jacinto River southwesterly 252.80 chains to the beginning corner of the Abra- ham Pevyhouse Survey, Abstract No. 423; thence with the said Abraham Pevyhouse Survey westerly 196.14 chains to a south- west corner of said survey and identical with the beginning corner of the William Adkins Survey, Abstract No. 47; thence with the William Adkins Survey southerly 12.63 chains to the fifth corner thereof; thence with the south lines of the said William Adkins Survey and the James W. O'Bannon Survey, Abstract No. 407, westerly 84.01 chains to the fourth corner of the said James W. O'Bannon Survey on the east line of the John H. Wood Survey, Abstract No. 603; thence with two (2) lines of the said John H. Wood Survey N 0030' W 42.09 chains, westerly 84.00 chains to corner 11 of Tract J1-III, identical with Monument-J37; thence with said Tract Jl-III N 0030' W 36.00 chains toa point N 89030 ' E of corner 84 of Tract Ji-IV; thence S 89030' W 56.00 chains, passing in line corner 84 of said Tract Ji-IV, to corner 85 of said Tract Jl-IV; thence with eight (8) lines-of said Tract J1-IV, passing in line corners 86 to 92, inclusive, 357.90 chains to corner 93 of said Tract J1-IV, identical with Monument-J113; thence with the Wm. Johnson Survey, Abstract No. 291, passing in line corner 94 of said Tract Ji-IV, S 89030 ' W 82.30 chains to the second corner of said survey and identical with the second corner of the Elizabeth Heaton Survey, Abstract No. 679; thence with the Elizabeth Heaton Survey S 0° 30' E 23.60 chains to the third corner of said survey; thence with the south lines of the said Elizabeth Heaton Survey and the Samuel V. Lamonthe Survey, Abstract No. 331, S 89 30' W 50.20 chains to beginning corer of said Samuel V. Lamonthe Survey and identical with the fourth corner of the Robert Hutcherson Survey, Abstract No. 276; thence with two (2) lines of the Robert Hutcherson Survey northerly 60.00 chains N 89030' E 0.20 chains to the sixth corner of said survey and identical with corner 102 of said Tract JI-IV; thence with three (3) lines of said Tract JI-IV, passing corners 103 and 104, 62.80 chains to corer 105 of said tract; thence with two (2) lines of the Claiborne B. Sanders Survey, Abstract No. 552, S 89°30' W 40.00 chains, S 0030' E 8.00 chains to corer 113 of said Tract J1-IV identical with Monument-J49; thence with six (6) lines of said Tract, passing corers 114, 115, 116, 1 and 2 to corer 3 of said tract, which is identical with Monument-J48; thence westerly to corner 8 of said tract; thence with two (2) lines of Tract Jl-IV, passing corer 9, 81.20 chains to corer 10 of said tract; thence with two (2) lines of the Nancy Lynch Survey Ab- stract No. 309, passing in line corer 11 of Tract Ji-IV, northerly 72.00 chains, easterly 134.00 chains, to the beginning corer of the Benjamin Johnson Survey, Abstract No. 297; thence with the west lines of the said Benjamin Johnson Survey and the William J. C. Pierce Survey, Abstract No. 431, passing in line corner 66 of Tract J1-II, northerly 156.50 chains to corer 67 of said tract; thence with three (3) lines of Tract J1-II, N 89030 ' E 9.20 chains, North 2.30 chains, East 107.80 chains to the fourth corer of the William C. Gill Survey, Abstract No. 209, on the Montgomery- Walker County line; thence with the William C. Gill Survey N 0°30' E 55.90 chains to the northwest corner of the T. E. Simms 261 acre tract as recorded in Volume 38, page 137, Walker County 1792