Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/980

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INDEX Lee, Robert Edwin, payment to estate- _- Lehrs, John A., appropriation authorized for payment to --- _ ___ ___ ___ ___ _-- Lenneville, W. H., credit allowed in postal accounts----____________ ________ Lester, James A. (Lt. Col.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ------ Levine, Leah, payment to - --- _________ Lewis, Charles (Maj.), credit allowed in accounts of -------


Lewis, E. P ., payment to -----------. . . Lewis, Frank A., credit allowed in accounts- Lewis, Helen Marie, redemption of muti- lated Liberty bond--_ _ _

_____- Liechtenstein, extradition treaty with --- Ligon, S. W., claim for overtime labor sub- mitted to Court of Claims -__-----_ Lind, Wallace L. (Comdr.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ------ Livingston, Charles E., payment to _____ Loeffler, F. M., payment to ___---__--_- Lon D. Worsham Company, claim referred to Court of Claims -- ---. ..----- Long, Clifford Y., payment to--------- Long, Rufus C., payment to-- _- ----- --- Long, William, payment to.. _ __ __- --- -_ Lord, Ethel B., payment to guardian of-_ _ Lott, C. McL. (Capt.), payment to ------- Lough, Ethel Rollyson, payment to--- _ _ _ Lovell, George (Mrs.), payment to------ Luker, James, Sr., payment to --------- Lyman, Charles H. (Maj. Gen.), accept- ance of foreign decoration authorized- Lyons, James A., payment to ---------- Lyons, Kate Carter, payment to ------ M Macgowan, David B., acceptance of for- eign decoration authorized ----- _-- Mack, John, payment to ---


Mahoney, David J., advancement on re- tired list, Navy------------------- Maldonado, Carolina, payment to ------ Malik, Marian, payment to -- _- -- - -- -- Mallery, Alfred L., payment to ------- Mansfield, Brook S. (Lt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------- Mansfield, Walter H., credit in postal accounts _..---------------- --- Marine Barracks, Quantico, Va., reim- bursement of certain enlisted men, etc., for personal property losses at - - Maritime Day, National, 1937, observance invited .------. ....------- ------- Markowitz, Eva, monthly payments to---- Marks, Ellis, payment to. -- _ -.- -- -- -- Marrero, Angel Rafael, appropriation au- thorized for payment to --. -- ----- . Page 974 1001 1067 948 1009 925 1016 1029 972 1337 964 948 990 1006 1098 995 960 932 1055 926 1100 980 923 948 1087 946 1025 967 1078 1084 1068 1024 948 929 938 1829 1036 1013 1000 Marrero, Pedro A., appropriation author- ized for payment to ------- _ __ -- - Marshburn, Herbert E. (Lt. Col.), accept- ance of foreign decoration authorized- Martin, Elbert W. (Capt.), payment to- - - Marvin, Charles F., acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ----- ________ Mason, Freda, payment to ---------- __ Mast, Malinda J., payment to --- ______ Mast, William Lee, payment to--------- Mateos and Sons, A., claim submitted to district court -- ____ ______ ____- - -_ Matteson, W. J. (1st Lt.), credit allowed in accounts --- --- __ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ Mayfield, Harry Marion, payment to---- McBride, Harry A., appropriation author- ized for payment to -- ____________ McCarthy, Timothy Joseph, naval record corrected -------- ___---____.__-.- McCaw, William W. (Maj.), payment to- - McClure, Lucille, consideration of claim-- McCool, Emory M., service record cor- rected-__------_--_____-__________ McCourt, Dorothy, payment to --- ____ McCubbin, Letha F., credit allowed in postal accounts ------

___..... McCullough, Halle D., credit allowed in accounts ------- ___- -- __ --_ __ ___ McDaniel, Ethel Smith, provisions of Employees' Compensation Act ex- tended to ------ .. ... _.. -__....... McGirr, Rose, payment to----. ... ... .. McGlothlin, Marion, payment to-- .. . .. . McGregor, William W., claim referred to Court of Claims.----.............. Mclntire, Ross T. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized --. ... . McIntosh, Harry D., payment to ---- . .. McKinley, James F., acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ------- .-- ..- McLachlan, R. L., payment to-. .- -. . .. . McLain, Florida 0., payment to- _ - . . .. - - McLain, Thomas H., payment to.- -. __ _ McLarren, Edmund W. (Maj.), credit al- lowed in accounts--------------... McLeod, John C., payment to- __ - -_ .- - McMahan, William A., provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to-------------------- -- ----- McMurray, Clarence M. (Lt. Col.), allow- ance for shipment of property - __ . _ _ - McNab, Alexander J., Jr., acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ---. -- MeNair, Laurence N. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized - -.- McShane, James E. (Mrs.), payment to-- Medina, Victor E., appropriation author- ized for payment to--- ---------- . Page 1000 948 925 1025 926 934 934 973 1045 1081 1002 1016 1096 1072 1039 1021 929 1033 1045 1072 979 1062 948 969 1025 1045 1092 1064 925 941 978 1044 1025 948 1038 1000 IX