Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/209

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TREATIES December 3, 1936 [T. 8. No. 929] Inter-American convention concern- ing artistic exhibi- tions. Preamble. Texts. Purpose. Plenipotentiaries. Convention between the United States of America and other American Republics concerning artistic exhibitions. Signed at Buenos Aires, December 23, 1936; ratificationadvised by the Senate, June 29, 1937; ratified by the President, July 15, 1937; ratification of the United States of America deposited with the Pan American Union at Wash- ington, July 29, 1937; proclaimed, September 16, 1937. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a Convention Concerning Artistic Exhibitions was signed at Buenos Aires on December 23, 1936, by the respective plenipoten- tiaries of the United States of America and the twenty other American Republics represented at the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, a true copy of which Convention, in the Eng- lish, Spanish, Portuguese and French languages, is word for word as follows: CONVENTION CONCERNING ARTISTIC EXHIBITIONS The Governments represented at the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace; Desirous of improving their spiritual relationships through a better acquaintance with their respective artistic creations, have resolved to conclude a Convention relative to the exhibition of artistic productions, and to this effect have named the following plenipotentiaries: Argentina: CARLOS SAAVEDRA LAMAS, ROBERTO M. ORTIZ, MIGUEL ANGEL CARCANO, FELIPE A. ESPIL, LEOPOLDO MELO, ISIDORO RUIZ MORENO. DANIEL ANTOKOLETZ, CARLOS BREBBIA, CESAR DfAZ CISNEROS. Paraguay: MIGUEL ANGEL SOLER, J. ISIDRO RAMfREZ. Honduras: ANTONIO BEBMI1DEZ M., JULIAN L6PEZ PINEDA. Costa Rica: MANUEL F. JIMkNEZ, CARLOS BRENES. 1 The texts follow literally the certified copy of the convention furnished by the Argentine Government.-The editor.