Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/272

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MULTILATERAL-BILLS OF LADING-AUGUST 25, 1924 hereto by the express provisions of this Act: Providedfurther, That every bill of lading or similar document of title which is evidence of a contract for the carriage of goods by sea from ports of the United States, in foreign trade, shall contain a statement that it shall have effect subject to the provisions of this Act. SEC. 14 . Upon the certification of the Secretary of Commerce that the foreign commerce of the United States in its competition with that of foreign nations is prejudiced by the provisions, or any of them, of title I of this Act, or by the laws of any foreign country or countries relating to the carriage of goods by sea, the President of the United States may, from time to time, by proclamation, sus- pend any or all provisions of title I of this Act for such periods of time or indefinitely as may be designated in the proclamation. The President may at any time rescind such suspension of title I hereof, and any provisions thereof which may have been suspended shall thereby be reinstated and again apply to contracts thereafter made for the carriage of goods by sea. Any proclamation of sus- pension or rescission of any such suspension shall take effect on a date named therein, which date shall be not less than ten days from the issue of the proclamation. Any contract for the carriage of goods by sea, subject to the pro- visions of this Act, effective during any period when title I hereof, or any part thereof, is suspended, shall be subject to all provisions of law now or hereafter applicable to that part of title I which may have thus been suspended. SEC. 15. This Act shall take effect ninety days after the date of its approval; but nothing in this Act shall apply during a period not to exceed one year following its approval to any contract for the carriage of goods by sea, made before the date on which this Act is approved, nor to any bill of lading or similar document of title issued, whether before or after such date of approval in pursuance of any such contract as aforesaid. SEC. 16. This Act may be cited as the "Carriage of Goods by Sea Act." Approved, April 16, 1936. [Enclosure 3] [MEMORANDUM OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE] Comparison of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of the United States Memor ad um showing a comparison of America, Approved April 16, 1936, and the Bills of Lading Con- etween the Act and vention concluded at Brussels, August 25, 192. the onvention. By the enacting clause of the Act Relating to the Carriage of Goods by Sea, approved April 16, 1936, every bill of lading or similar docu- ment of title which is evidence of a contract for the carriage of goods by sea to or from ports of the United States, in foreign trade, shall have effect subject to the provisions of the Act. 269