Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/44

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INTER-AMERICAN-NON-INTERVENTION-DECEMBER 23, 1936 Additional protocol relative to non-intervention,between the United States of America and other American Republics. Signed at Buenos Aires, December 23, 1936; ratification advised by the Senate, June 29, 19S7; ratified by the President, July 15, 1937; ratificationof the UnitedStates o America depositedwith the Government of Argentina,August 25,1937; proclaimed,September 16, 1937. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS an Additional Protocol Relative to Non-Intervention was signed at Buenos Aires on December 23, 1936, by the respective plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and the twenty other American Republics represented at the Inter-American Con- ference for the Maintenance of Peace, a true copy of which Additional Protocol, in the English, Spanish, Portuguese and French languages, is word for word as follows:' ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL RELATIVE TO NON-INTERVENTION The Governments represented at the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, Desiring to assure the benefits of peace in their mutual relations and in their relations with all the nations of the earth, and to abolish the practice of intervention; and Taking into account that the Convention on Rights and Duties of States, signed at the Seventh International Conference of American States, December 26, 1933, solemnly affirmed the fundamental prin- ciple that "no State has the right to intervene in the internal or external affairs of another", Have resolved to reaffirm this principle through the negotiation of the following Additional Protocol, and to that end they have appointed the Plenipotentiaries hereafter mentioned: Argentina: CARLOS SAAVEDRA LAMAS, ROBERTO M. ORTIZ, MIGUEL ANGEL CARCANO, JosE MARfA CANTILO, FELIPE A. ESPIL, LEOPOLDO MELO, ISIDORO RUIZ MORENO, DANIEL ANTOKOLETZ, CARLOS BREBBIA, CEPSAR DfAZ CISNEROS. 1 The texts follow literally the certified copy of the convention furnished by the Argentine Government.-The editor. December 23, 1936 [T. S. No. 923] Inter-American, additional protocol relative to non-inter- vention. Preamble. Texts. Purposes. 49 Stat. 3097. Plenipotentiaries.