Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1022

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 601-JUNE 23, 1938 the advice and consent of the Senate, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, and who shall continue in office as designated by the President at the time of nomination through the last day of the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth calendar years, respectively, following the passage of this Act. The President shall designate annually one of the members of the Authority as chairman and one of the members as vice chairman who shall act as chairman in the absence or incapacity of the chairman. The successors of the members shall be appointed for terms of six years in the same manner as the mem- bers originally appointed under this Act, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of such term. The members of the Authority may be removed by the President for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or mal- feasance in office. No more than three of the members shall be appointed from the same political party. Each member of the Author- ity shall receive a salary at the rate of $12,000 per annum. Administrator (b) There shall be in the Authority an Administrator who shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall receive a salary at the rate of $12,000 per annum. Qualifications of Members (c) The members of the Authority shall be appointed with due regard to their fitness for the efficient dispatch of the powers and duties vested in and imposed upon the Authority by this Act. Each member of the Authority, and the Administrator, shall be a citizen of the United States, and no member of the Authority, or the Adminis- trator, shall have any pecuniary interest in or own any stock in or bonds of any civil aeronautics enterprise. No member of the Authority, or the Administrator, shall engage in any other business, vocation, or employment. Quorum, Principal Office, and Seal (d) Three of the members shall constitute a quorum of the Author- ity. The principal office of the Authority shall be in the District of Columbia where its general sessions shall be held, but whenever the convenience of the public or of the parties may be promoted, or delay or expense may be prevented, tihe Authority may hold hearings or other proceedings at any other place. The Authority shall have an official seal which shall be judicially noticed and which shall be pre- served in the custody of the secretary of the Authority. ORGANIZATION OF AUTHOBITY Officers and Employees SEC. 202. (a) The Authority shall, without regard to the civil- service laws, appoint and prescribe the duties of a secretary of the Authority and a secretary for each member, and, subject to such noncompetitive tests of fitness as the Civil Service Commission may prescribe, appoint and prescribe the duties of a general counsel, a director for each Bureau, and such assistant directors and heads of divisions or sections as may be necessary. Subject to the provisions of the civil-service laws, the Authority shall employ such other officers and employees as it shall deem necessary in exercising and performing its powers and duties. The Administrator shall, without regard to the civil-service laws, appoint and prescribe the duties of a secretary, 981 Removals. Salary. Administrator. Qualifications of members. Quorum, principal office, and seal. Organization of Au- thority. Officers and employ- ees.