Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1029

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 601 -JUNE 23, 1938 Existing air carriers. Proviso. Air-mail contractors, service restriction. Issuance of certain certificates not other- wise provided for. Ante, p. 144. Points designated. Terms and condi- tions of certificate. Certificates for for- eign air transporta- tion. Existing Air Carriers (e) (1) If any applicant who makes application for a certificate within one hundred and twenty days after the date of enactment of this Act shall show that, from May 14, 1938, until the effective date of this section, it, or its predecessor in interest, was an air carrier, continuously operating as such (except as to interruptions of service over which the applicant or its predecessor in interest had no control), the Authority, upon proof of such fact only, shall, unless the service rendered by such applicant for such period was inadequate and inefficient, issue a certificate or certificates, authorizing such applicant to engage in air transportation (A) with respect to all classes of traffic for which authorization is sought, except mail, between the terminal and intermediate points between which it, or its predecessor, so continuously operated between May 18, 1938, and the effective date of this section, and (B) with respect to mail and all other classes of traffic for which authorization is sought, between the terminal and intermediate points between which the applicant or its predecessor was authorized by the Postmaster General prior to the effective date of this section, to engage in the transportation of mail: Provided, That no applicant holding an air-mail contract shall receive a certificate authorizing it to serve any point not named in such contract as awarded to it and not served by it prior to April 1, 1938, if any other air carrier competitively serving the same point under authority of a contract as awarded to such air carrier shall prove that it is adversely affected thereby, and if the Authority shall also find that transportation by the applicant to and from such point is not required by the public convenience and necessity. (2) If paragraph (1) of this subsection does not authorize the issuance of a certificate authorizing the transportation of mail between each of the points between which air-mail service was provided for by the Act of Congress making appropriations for the Treasury Depart- ment and the Post Office Department, approved March 28, 1938, the Authority shall, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, issue certificates authorizing the transportation of mail, and all other classes of traffic for which authorization is sought, between such points, namely, (A) from Wichita, Kansas, to Pueblo, Colorado, via interme- diate cities, (B) from Bismarck, North Dakota, to Minot, North Dakota; (C) from Detroit, Michigan, to Sault Sainte Marie, Michi- gan, via intermediate cities; (D) from Brownsville, Texas, via Corpus Christi, to Houston to San Antonio, Texas; (E) from Phoenix, Arizona, to Las Vegas, Nevada, via intermediate cities; (F) from Jacksonville, Florida, to New Orleans, Louisiana, via intermediate cities; (G) from Tampa, Florida, to Memphis, Tennessee, via inter- mediate cities, and from Tampa, Florida, to Atlanta, Georgia, via intermediate cities (which projects have been advertised); and (H) by extension from Yakima, Washington, to Portland, Oregon; and (I) by extension from Grand Rapids, Michigan, to Chicago, Illinois. Terms and Conditions of Certificate (f) Each certificate issued under this section shall specify the terminal points and intermediate points, if any, between which the air carrier is authorized to engage in air transportation and the service to be rendered; and there shall be attached to the exercise of the privi- leges granted by the certificate, or amendment thereto, such reason- able terms, conditions, and limitations as the public interest may require. A certificate issued under this section to engage in foreign air transportation shall, insofar as the operation is to take place without the United States, designate the terminal and intermediate 988 [52 STAT.