Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1040

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 601-JUNE 23, 1938 Weighing of Mail (d) The Postmaster General may weigh the mail transported by aircraft and make such computations for statistical and administrative purposes as may be required in the interest of the mail service. The Postmaster General is authorized to employ such clerical and other assistance as may be required in connection with proceedings under this Act. If the Authority shall determine that it is necessary or advisable, in order to carry out the provisions of this Act, to have additional and more frequent weighing of the mails, the Postmaster General, upon request of the Authority, shall provide therefor in like manner, but such weighing need not be for continuous periods of more than thirty days. Availability of Appropriations (e) Except as otherwise provided in section 405 (k), the unexpended balances of all appropriations for the transportation of mail by aircraft pursuant to contracts entered into under the Air Mail Act of 1934, as amended, and the unexpended balances of all appropria- tions available for the transportation of mail by aircraft in Alaska, shall be available, in addition to the purposes stated in such appropria- tions, for the payment of compensation by the Postmaster General, as provided in this Act, for the transportation of mail by aircraft, the facilities used and useful therefor, and the services connected there- with, between points in the continental United States or between points in Hawaii or in Alaska or between points in the continental United States and points in Canada within one hundred and fifty miles of the international boundary line. Except as otherwise pro- vided in section 405 (k), the unexpended balances of all appropria- tions for the transportation of mail by aircraft pursuant to contracts entered into under the Act of March 8, 1928, as amended, shall be available, in addition to the purposes stated in such appropriations, for payment to be made by the Postmaster General, as provided by this Act, in respect of the transportation of mail by aircraft, the facilities used and useful therefor, and the services connected there- with, between points in the United States and points outside thereof, or between points in the continental United States and Territories or possessions of the United States, or between Territories or possessions of the United States. Payments to Foreign Air Carriers (f) In any case where air transportation is performed between the United States and any foreign country, both by aircraft owned or operated by one or more air carriers holding a certificate under this title and by aircraft owned or operated by one or more foreign air carriers, the Postmaster General shall not pay to or for the account of any such foreign air carrier a rate of compensation for transport- ing mail by aircraft between the United States and such foreign country, which, in his opinion, will result (over such reasonable period as the Postmaster General may determine, taking account of exchange fluctuations and other factors) in such foreign air carrier receiving a higher rate of compensation for transporting such mail than such foreign country pays to air carriers for transporting its mail by aircraft between such foreign country and the United States, or receiving a higher rate of compensation for transporting such mail than a rate determined by the Postmaster General to be com- parable to the rate such foreign country pays to air carriers for 999 Weighing of mail. Availability of ap. propriations. 48 Stat. 933. 39 U. S. C.0 463, 469-469s; Supp. III , ch. 13. 45 Stat. 248 ,1449. 39 U.s .C. §465a. Payments to foreign air carriers.