Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1051

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 601 -JUNE 23, 1938 operation, it shall issue an airworthiness certificate. The Authority may prescribe in such certificate the duration of such certificate, the type of service for which the aircraft may be used, and such other terms, conditions, and limitations as are required in the interest of safety. Each such certificate shall be registered by the Authority and shall set forth such information as the Authority may deem advisable. The certificate number, or such other individual designa- tion as may be required by the Authority, shall be displayed upon each aircraft in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Authority. Air carrier operating AIR CARRIER OPERATING CERTIFICATES certificates. Power to Issue Power to issue. SEC. 604. (a) The Authority is empowered to issue air carrier oper- ating certificates and to establish minimum safety standards for the operation of the air carrier to whom any such certificate is issued. Issuance Issance. (b) Any person desiring to operate as an air carrier may file with the Authority an application for an air carrier operating certificate. If the Authority finds, after investigation, that such person is properly and adequately equipped and able to conduct a safe operation in accordance with the requirements of this Act and the rules, regula- tions, and standards prescribed thereunder, it shall issue an air carrier operating certificate to such person. Each air carrier operating certificate shall prescribe such terms, conditions, and limitations as are reasonably necessary to assure safety in air transportation, and shall specify the points to and from which, and the civil airways over which, such person is authorized to operate as an air carrier under an air carrier operating certificate. Maintenance of MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT IN AIR TRANSPORTATION equipment in air transportation. Duty of Carriers and Airmen aDi of caers and SEO. 605. (a) It shall be the duty of each air carrier to make, or cause to be made, such inspection, maintenance, overhaul, and repair of all equipment used in air transportation as may be required by this Act, or the orders, rules and regulations of the Authority issued thereunder. And it shall be the duty of every person engaged in operating, inspecting, maintaining, or overhauling equipment to observe and comply with the requirements of this Act relating thereto, and the orders, rules, and regulations issued thereunder. Inspection Inspection. (b) The Authority shall employ inspectors who shall be charged with the duty (1) of making such inspections of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and appliances designed for use in air transporta- tion, during manufacture, and while used by an air carrier m air transportation, as may be necessary to enable the Authority to deter- mine that such aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and appliances are in safe condition and are properly maintained for operation in air transportation; and (2) of advising and cooperating with each air carrier in the inspection and maintenance thereof by the air carrier. Whenever any inspector shall, in the performance of his duty, find that any aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance, used or intended to be used by y anyir carrier in air transportation, [52 STAT.