Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1053

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 601-JUNE 23, 1938 Prohibitions. Violations of title. Operation without current airworthiness certificate. Without airman cer- tificate, etc. Employment of air- man who does not have airman certif- icate. Operation as air car- rier without air carrier operating certificate. Operation in viola- tion of any other rule, etc. Exemption of for- eign aircraft and air- men. Title vnI-Air Safe- ty Board. Creation and organ- ization. Composition, ap- pointment, etc. Citizenship require- ment. Terms. Compensation. No pecuniary inter- est, etc. Personnel. 5 U.S . C .chs. 12,1; Snpp. III , chs. 12, 13. PROHIBITIONS Violations of Title SEC. 610. (a) It shall be unlawful- (1) For any person to operate in air commerce any civil air- craft for which there is not currently in effect an airworthiness certificate, or in violation of the terms of any such certificate; (2) For any person to serve in any capacity as an airman in connection with any civil aircraft used in air commerce without an airman certificate authorizing him to serve in such capacity, or in violation of the terms of any such certificate; (3) For any person to employ for service in connection with any civil aircraft used in air commerce an airman who does not have an airman certificate authorizing him to serve in the capacity for which he is employed; (4) For any person to operate as an air carrier without an air carrier operating certificate, or in violation of the terms of any such certificate; and (5) For any person to operate aircraft in air commerce in vio- lation of any other rule, regulation, or certificate of the Authority under this title. Exemption of Foreign Aircraft and Airmen (b) Foreign aircraft and airmen serving in connection therewith may, except with respect to the observance by such airmen of the air traffic rules, be exempted from the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, to the extent, and upon such terms and conditions, as may be prescribed by the Authority as being in the interest of the public. TITLE VII-AIR SAFETY BOARD CREATION AND ORGANIZATION OF BOARD Appointment of Board SEC. 701. (a) There is created and established within the Authority an Air Safety Board. Such Board shall consist of three members to be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. One of the members shall at the time of his nomi- nation, be an active airline pilot and shall have flown not less than three thousand hours in scheduled air transportation. Each member of the Board shall be a citizen of the United States and shall con- tinue in office as designated by the President at the time of nomina- tion until the last day of the second, fourth, and sixth calendar years, respectively, following the passage of this Act, but their successors shall be appointed for terms of six years, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of such term. Any member of the Board may be appointed to succeed himself. The Board shall annually elect one of its members as chairman of the Board. Each member of the Board shall receive a salary of $7,500 per annum. No member of the Board shall have any pecuniary interest in or own any stock in or bonds of any civil aeronautics enterprise. Personnel (b) Subject to the provisions of the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, the Board shall appoint, fix the salaries, and prescribe the duties, of such assistants and other employees as it shall deem necessary in exercising and performing [52 STAT.