Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/11

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Act Res. 93 International Conference on Private Air Law, Fourth. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize an appropriation for the expenses of participation by the United States in the Fourth International Conference on Private Air Law _____________ 509 ----- Norwegian Government, payment. AN ACT To authorize the payment of an indemnity to the Norwegian Government in full and final satisfaction of all claims based on the detention and treatment of the crew of the Norwegian steamer Sagatind subsequent to the seizure of this vessel by the United States Coast Guard cutter Seneca on October 12, 1924--____-___- 510 ----- Armistice Day. AN ACT Making the 11th day of November in each year a legal holiday -- ___________________________-- 511 ----- Hawaii,revenue bonds. AN ACT To ratify and confirm Act 23 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1937, extending the time within which revenue bonds may be issued and delivered under Act 174 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1935---------------- 512 ----- The Howard University, D. C. AN ACT To amend section 2 of the Act to incorporate The Howard University -------- ___ 513 ._ Coast Guard and Public Health Service, accounts. AN ACT To amend the Act of May 27, 1908, authorizing settlement of ac- counts of deceased officers and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps ------------------------ ____________- 514 -__-- World War veterans, death compensation. AN ACT To liberal- ize the provisions of existing laws governing death-compensa- tion benefits for widows and children of World War veterans, and for other purposes-------___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ 515 ----- Lighthouse Service. AN ACT To improve the efficiency of the Lighthouse Service, and for other purposes -------- ___ 516 ---- Army, pay allotments. AN ACT To amend the Act of March 2, 1899, as amended, to authorize the Secretary of War to per- mit allotments from the pay of military personnel and perma- nent civilian employees under certain conditions - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 517 ----- Fort Niagara, N. Y ., reconstruction. AN ACT To authorize an appropriation for reconstruction at Fort Niagara, New York, to replace loss by fire-- --- _ __- - ---

518 ----- Battle of Gettysburg, commemoration. AN ACT To authorize an appropriation to aid in defraying the expenses of the observ- ance of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Gettys- burg, to be held at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, from June 29, to July 6, 1938, and for other purposes - __ __ ___ __ __ __. -_ 519 ----- District of Columbia Revenue Act of 19S7, amendments. AN ACT To amend the District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1937, and for other purposes------------ .. . - .... ____________ 520 ---- Rural letter carriers, salaries. AN ACT To protect the salaries of rural letter carriers who transfer from one rural route to another-. -- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- -- ....-......- 521 ----- Citizenship, certain persons born in Puerto Rico. AN ACT To correct United States citizenship status of certain persons born in Puerto Rico, and for other purposes-- . _ - - ..----- 522 ----- Ketchikan, Alaska, land conveyance. AN ACT To authorize the conveyance by the United States to the city of Ketchikan, Alaska, of a certain tract of land in the townsite of Ketchikan 523 _--- Reading matter for the blind. AN ACT To amend the Acts for promoting the circulation of reading matter among the blind_ 94 Snake River, division of waters. JOINT RESOLUTION To permit a compact or agreement between the States of Idaho and Wyoming respecting the disposition and apportionment of the waters of the Snake River and its tributaries, and for other purposes---------------- .-- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- 524 -.. University of Alaska, land conveyance. AN ACT To convey to the University of Alaska a tract of land for use as the site of a fur farm experiment station--------------------------- 525 -_.--- attapoisett (Ned Point) Lighthouse Reservation, Mass. AN ACT To authorize the conveyance of the Mattapoisett (Ned Point) Lighthouse Reservation at Mattapoisett, Massachu- setts, to the town of Mattapoisett ----------- __ ______--_ 526 ---- Appropriations, Legislative Branch, fiscal year 1939. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and for other purposes -- ----- ___________________ 527 ----- Army military personnel and civil employees. AN ACT To amend the Act of March 9, 1928, authorizing appropriations to be made for the disposition of remains of military personnel and civilian employees of the Army, and for other purposes- Date Page May 13, 1938__- 350 May 13, 1938___ 350 May 13, 1938__- 351 May 13, 1938___ 351 May 13, 1938__- 351 May 13, 1938_-- 352 May 13, 1938___ 352 May 13, 1938___ 353 May 16, 1938-_ - 354 May 16, 1938--- 354 May 16, 1938_- - 354 May 16, 1938 -_ 356 May 16, 1938_- - 377 May 16, 1938__ - 377 May 16, 1938--- 378 May 16, 1938--- 378 May 16, 1938___ 379 May 17, 1938___ 379 May 17, 1938___ 380 May 17, 1938- __ 381 May 17, 1938_- - 398 xi