Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/112

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.2 STAT. I 75TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CHI. 30-FEB. 106. 19.3S May 1, 1937, the purchase price to be paid for the certificates so purchased to be at the rate of $1 per five-hundred-pound bale for every bale or fractional part thereof represented by the certificates C-5 -I. The Secretary is further authorized to pay directly, or to advance to, the manager of the cotton pool, to enable him to pay costs and expenses incident to the purchase of certificates as afore- said, and any balance remaining to the credit of the Secretary, or the manager, cotton pool, not required for the purchase of these certificates in accordance with provisions of this Act, shall, at the expiration of the purchase period, be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. SEC. 404. The authority of the manager, cotton pool, to purchase and pay for certificates hereunder shall extend to and include the 31st day of July 1938: Provided, That after expiration of the said limit, the purchase may be consummated of any certificates tendered to the manager, cotton pool, on or before July 31, 1938, but where for any reason the purchase price shall not have been paid by the man- ager, cotton pool. The Secretary is authorized to promulgate such rules, regulations, and requirements as in his discretion are proper to effectuate the general purposes of this title, which purpose is here stated to be specifically to authorize the purchase of outstanding pool participation trust certificates, form C-5-I, for a purchase price to be determined at the rate of $1 per bale, or twenty one-hundredths cent per pound, for the cotton evidenced by the said certificates, provided such certificates be tendered by holders thereof in accord- ance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary not later than the 31st day of July 1938, and provided such certificates may not be purchased from persons other than those shown by the records of the Department to have been holders thereof on or before the 1st day of May 1937. SEC. 405. The Secretary is authorized to continue in existence the 1933 cotton producers pool so long as may be required to effectuate the purposes of this title. All expense incident to the accomplish- ment of purposes of this title may be paid from funds hereby authorized to be appropriated, for which purpose the fund hereby authorized to be appropriated shall be deemed as supplemental to such funds as are now to the credit of the Secretary, reserved for the purpose of defraying operating expenses of the pool. SEC. 406. After expiration of the time limit herein established, the certificates then remaining outstanding and not theretofore tendered to the manager, cotton pool, for purchase, shall not be purchased and no obligation on account thereof shall exist. SEC. 407. Nothing in this title shall be construed to authorize the manager, cotton pool, to pay the assignee or any holder of such cotton pool participation trust certificates, form C-5 -I, transferred on or before May 1, 1937, as shown by the records of the Department of Agriculture, more than the purchase price paid by the assignee or holder of such certificate or certificates with interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum from the date of purchase, provided the amount paid such assignee shall not exceed $1 per bale. Before making payment to any assignee, whose certificates were transferred on or before May 1, 1937, such assignee shall file with the manager, cotton pool, an affidavit showing the amount paid by him for such certificate and the date of such payment, and the manager, cotton pool, is authorized to make payment to such assignee based upon the facts stated in said affidavit as aforesaid. Purchase price. Costs and incidental expenses. Balance covered into Treasury. Purchase and pay- ment for certificates; time limitation. Post, p. 204. Proviso. Consummation after expiration of time limit. Rules, regulations, etc. Continuation of 1933 pool. Payment of ex- penses. Certificates ou t - standing, etc. , after expiration of time limit. Payment to as- signee, etc.; restric- tion. Post, p. 204 . 71