Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1124

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CH. 679-JUNE 25, 1938 SEO. 11. The Tariff Act of 1930 is hereby amended by adding at the end of part II of title IV thereof a new section to read as follows: 1083 46 Stat. 719. "SEC. 467 . SPECIAL INSPECTION, EXAMINATION, AND SEARCH. "Whenever a vessel from a foreign port or place or from a port ecial tinspection or place in any Territory or possession of the United States arrives search ofpersons, bag- at a port or place in the United States or the Virgin Islands, whether gage, or merhandise. directly or via another port or place in the United States or the Virgin Islands, the collector of customs for such port or place of arrival may, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe and for the purpose of assuring compliance with any law, regulation, or instruction which the Secretary of the Treasury or the Customs Service is authorized to enforce, cause inspection, examination, and search to be made of the persons, baggage, and merchandise discharged or unladen from such vessel, whether or not any or all such persons, baggage, or merchandise has previously been inspected, examined, or searched by officers of the customs." SEC. 12 . The last sentence of subsection (f) of section 484 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (U. S . C ., 1934 edition, title 19, sec. 1484) is hereby 46 stat. 723. amended to read as follows: "All other merchandise arriving on Separte entris or one vessel or vehicle and consigned to one consignee shall be included portions of a hip in one entry, unless the Secretary of the Treasury shall authorize ment. the inclusion of portions of such merchandise in separate entries under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe." SEC. 13. Section 485 (f) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (U. S . C ., 1934 46tt. . edition, title 19, sec. 1485 (f)) is hereby amended by changing the last comma therein to a period; by striking out the words "or by any other person specifically authorized by any officer of such corporation to make the same"; and by inserting in lieu of the deleted words a new sentence to read as follows: "Whether the consignee is an individual, sDecarations by pe a partnership, or a corporation, the declaration may be made by any consign"ee person who has knowledge of the facts and who is specifically author- ized by such individual, a member of such partnership, or an officer of such corporation to make such declaration." SEC. 14. (a) So much of section 491 of the Tariff Act of 1930 46 s ta t.-7 . (U. S . C., 1934 edition, title 19, sec. 1491) as precedes the words U**. . "shall be considered unclaimed and abandoned" is hereby amended uncla'ile mer- to read as follows: "Any entered or unentered merchandise (except mIodifed. merchandise entered under section 557 of this Act, but including 46 tat.744. merchandise entered for transportation in bond or for exportation) 19 Us.' 57 which shall remain in customs custody for one year from the date of importation thereof, without all estimated duties and storage or other charges thereon having been paid,". (b) Such section 491 is further amended by adding the following drntry or with- new sentences at the end thereof: "Merchandise subject to sale here- merchandise; condi- under or under section 559 of this Act may be entered or withdrawn t4stat 744. for consumption at any time prior to such sale upon payment of all 19 U. S.C. 159. duties, storage, and other charges, and expenses that may have accrued thereon, but such merchandise after becoming subject to sale may not be exported prior to sale without the payment of such duties, charges, and expenses nor may it be entered for warehouse. The computation of duties for the purposes of this section and computation of sections 493 and 559 of this Act shall be at the rate or rates appli- d46 tat. m 744. cable at the time the merchandise becomes subject to sale." IM9 U. c. . 1493,