Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1132

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS. -CH. 679-JUNE 25, 1938 "(b) Any of the foregoing may be entered or withdrawn from warehouse without the payment of duty by a manufacturer, proces- sor, or dealer upon the filing of a bond to insure that any wool or hair entered or withdrawn thereunder shall be used only in the manufacture of press cloth, camel's hair belting, knit or felt boots, heavy fulled lumbermen's socks, rugs, carpets, or any other floor coverings. A manufacturer, processor, or dealer may be relieved of liability under his bond with respect to any wool or hair so entered or withdrawn which is transferred in its imported or any other form to another manufacturer, processor, or dealer who has filed a bond to insure that the merchandise so transferred shall be used only in the manufacture of the above-enumerated articles. If any wool or hair so entered, withdrawn, or transferred under bond is used or transferred for use in its imported or any other form in any manner otherwise than in the manufacture of the articles enumerated above, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the merchandise so used or transferred in violation of the bond the regular duties which would apply to such merchandise if imported in its condition at the time of such use or transfer. Such duties shall be paid by the manufacturer, processor, or dealer whose bond is charged with the wool or hair at the time of such use or transfer; but such duties shall not be levied or collected on any merchandise (except white soft wastes, white threads and noils, which shall be dutiable at seven- eighths of such regular duties when used or transferred for use otherwise than in the manufacture of the enumerated articles) result- ing in the usual course of manufacture of such enumerated manu- factured articles which cannot be used (with or without further preparation) in the usual course of the manufacture of such enumer- ated articles, or which is exported or destroyed. When any wool or hair which has been entered or withdrawn under bond as provided for in this subparagraph is used or transferred for use, in its imported or any other form, otherwise than in the manufacture of the above-enumerated articles and prior to such use or transfer there shall have been combined or mixed with such wool or hair any other merchandise, the whole or the combination or mixture shall be pre- sumed to be composed of wool or hair entered or withdrawn under bond, as provided for in this subparagraph, unless the manufacturer, processor, or dealer liable for the payment of the duties shall establish the quantity of bonded wool or hair in such combination or mixture. Every manufacturer, processor, or dealer who has given a bond pur- suant to the provisions of this subparagraph shall report any use or transfer of merchandise in violation of the terms of his bond, within thirty days after such use or transfer, to the collector of customs in whose district the bond is filed- and for failure to so report, such manufacturer, processor, or dealer shall be liable to a penalty equal to the value of the merchandise so used or transferred at the time and place of such use or transfer. Such penalty shall be in addition to the duties above provided for. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to prescribe such regulations and the form, conditions, and amounts of such bonds as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this subparagraph." (b) The provisions of paragraph 1101 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by this Act, with respect to wool or hair entered under bond for use in the manufacture of articles enumerated in such paragraph, shall apply with respect to wool or hair under bond on the effective date of this Act, as well as with respect to wool or hair thereafter imported. SEC. 34. (a) Paragraph 1111 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (U. S . C ., 1934 edition, title 19, sec. 1001, par. 1111) is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the phrase "of blanketing,". 1091 Withdrawal under bond to insure use only in enumerated manufactures. Release of liability on transfer, etc. Duties if used or transferred for other purposes, etc. Payment. Bonded wool or hair combined with other merchandise. Report of violations. Penalty for failure to report. Regulations, bond, etc. 46 Stat. 646 . 19U. .C. C 1001, par. 1101 . Wool or hair under bond on effective date of Act. 46 Stat. 649. 19 U. S. C. §1001, par. 1111. Phrase deleted.