Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1156

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CH. 681-JUNE 25, 1938 Office of the Doorkeeper: For exchange, maintenance, and repair of folding room motortruck, fiscal year 1938, $150, and in addition not to exceed $450 of the amount available for maintenance and repair of folding room motortruck, contained in the Legislative Branch Appro- priation Act, 1938, is hereby made available toward the purchase and exchange of such truck; such amounts to remain available during the fiscal year 1939. Contingent expenses: For an additional amount for expenses of special and select committees authorized by the House, fiscal year 1939, $70,000. Contested-election expenses: For payment to Melvin J. Maas, con- testee, for expenses incurred in the contested-election case of Williams versus Maas, as audited and recommended by the Committee on Elections Numbered 1, $1,250, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House. For payment to the following contestant and contestee for expenses incurred in the contested-election case of Roy versus Jenks, as audited and recommended by the Committee on Elections Numbered 3: To Alphonse Roy, $2,000; To Arthur B. Jenks, $2,000; In all, $4,000, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House. JOINT COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION The unexpended balance on June 30, 1938, of the appropriation for the Joint Committee on Government Organization contained in the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1937, approved Febru- ary 9, 1937 (50 Stat. 9), is hereby continued available during the fiscal year 1939. OFFICE OF ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL Senate Office Building: For painting, $20,000; for carpet and rugs, $5,000; in all, for fiscal year 1939, $25,000. House Office Buildings: For an additional amount for maintenance, including the same objects specified under this head in the Legis- lative Branch Appropriation Act, 1939, $600. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1115 Office of the Door- keeper. 50 Stat. 176. Contingentexpenses. Contested-election expenses. Melvin J. Maas. Alphonse Roy. Arthur B. Jenks. Joint Committee on Government Organ- ization. Funds available. 50 Stat. 9. Office of Architect of the Capitol. Senate Office Build- ing, painting, etc. House Office Build- ings, maintenance. Ante, p. 391. Library of Congress. Printing and binding: For an additional anlount for the printing Printing and bind- of catalog cards, fiscal year 1938, $17,000. Fo Stat. 183. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Public printing and binding: For an additional amount for print- ing and binding, Government Prtiting Office, fiscal year 1938, includ- ing the same objects specified under this head in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1938, $408,000. For printing and binding an edition of two thousand two hundred and fifty copies of the Code of Federal Regulations, fiscal year 1939, as authorized by the Federal Register Act as amended, $450,000. For payment to William Madden, Preston L. George, and William S. Houston, messengers on night duty during the third session of the Seventy-fifth Congress, $900 each; in all $2,700, to be paid from the appropriation for printing and binding for Congress for the fiscal year 1939. INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHMENTS CENSUS OF PARTIAL EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT, AND OCCUPATIONS Salaries and expenses: Not to exceed $50,000 of the unobligated balance on June 30, 1938, of the allocation of $2,500,000 for the census Government Print- ing Office. Public printing and binding. 50 Stat. 184. Code of Federal Regulations. 50 Stat. 304. 44 U. S. C., Supp. III, 311. Designated messen- gers on night duty, payment. Independent Estab- lishments. Unemployment, etc., census. Salaries and ex- penses.