Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1189

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 681 -JUNE 25, 1938 60 Stat. 229. Telecommunication Conference. 50 Stat. 770. (%mmissionto Study the Subject of Hernan- do de Soto's Expedi- tion. 49 Stat. 1124 ,1635 . Delaware Valley Tercentenary Com- mission. 50 Stat. 272. Ante, p. 258. Treasury Depart- ment. Office of the Secre- tary. Return to certain States of portions of Federal employers' tax for 1936. 50 Stat. 754. 42 U. S. C., Supp. II, § 1103 (note). Provisos. Adjustment of funds credited to States, re- striction. Amounts to be in full settlement. Commodity Credit Corporation, restora- tion, capital impair- ment. Ante, p. 107. Coast Guard and Public Health Serv- ices, damage claims. 49 Stat. 1514 . 14 U. . C., Supp. m, 71. contained in the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1937, is continued available for the same purposes until June 30, 1939. The unexpended balance of the appropriation "Telecommunication Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 1937 and 1938", contained in the Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1937, is continued available for the same purposes until December 31, 1938. Not to exceed $350 of the unexpended balance of the appropria- tion "Commission to Study the Subject of Hernando de Soto's Expe- dition" made in Public Act Numbered 440, approved February 11, 1936, and continued available until June 30, 1937, in Public Act Numbered 739, approved June 22, 1936, is hereby continued available for the same purposes until June 30, 1939. The appropriation of $10,000 for the United States Delaware Val- ley Tercentenary Commission, contained in the Department of State Appropriation Act, 1938, and continued available for the fiscal year 1939 by the Department of State Appropriation Act, 1939, may be expended, notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act, upon the certification of the President or Vice President of the Commission, which certification shall be final and conclusive upon the accounting officers in the auditing of all accounts of the United States Delaware Valley Tercentenary Commission. TREASURY DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Return to certain States of portions of Federal employers' tax for 1936: For carrying out the provisions of the Act of August 24, 1937 (50 Stat. 754), entitled "An Act to make available to each State which enacted in 1937 an approved unemployment-compensation law a por- tion of the proceeds from the Federal employers' tax in such State for the year 1936", $40,561,886.43, to be paid to each such State unem- ployment fund, with respect to employment in such State or Terri- tory during the calendar year 1936, as follows: Alaska, $110,479.64; Arkansas, $699,581.18; Delaware, $676,683.16; Florida, $1,595,820.77; Georgia, $2,467,192.82; Hawaii, $449,022.95; Illinois, $20,814,013.81; Kansas, $1,689,044.96; Missouri, $6,394,668.20; Montana, $650,697.20; Nebraska, $1,330,835.90; Nevada, $177,659.37; North Dakota, $238,116.11; Washington, $2,925,602.61; Wyoming, $342,467.75: Pro- vided, That no adjustment of funds credited to the various States or Territories under this appropriation shall be made on account of refunds to or additional tax collected subsequent to January 31, 1938, from employers who had employees within such States or Territories during the calendar year 1936 under the provisions of title IX of the Social Security Act: Provided further That the amounts herein appropriated shall be in full and final settlement of any or all sums due under such Act. Restoration, capital impairment, Commodity Credit Corporation: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury, on behalf of the United States, to restore the amount of the capital impairment of the Com- modity Credit Corporation as of March 31, 1938, by a contribution to the Corporation as provided by the Act approved March 8, 1938 (Public, Numbered 442, Seventy-fifth Congress), $94,285,404.73. Claims for damages, operation of vessels, Coast Guard and Public Health Service: To pay claims for damages adjusted and determined by the Secretary of the Treasury under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the adjustment and settlement of cer- tain claims for damages resulting from the operation of vessels of the Coast Guard and the Public Health Service, in sums not exceeding $3,000 in any one case", approved June 15, 1936, as fully set forth 1148 [52 STAT.