Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1227

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. O30 ,691-JUNE 25, 1938 in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy for issue or loan to the several States, Territories, or the Dis- Reuirements. trict of Columbia, for the use of the Naval Militia, but no such facilities bf the Navy shall be furnished for use by any portion or unit of the Naval Militia unless at least 95 per centum of its per- sonnel belongs to the Naval Reserve and is attached to or associated with an organization of the Organized Reserve and unless its organi- zation, administration, and training conform to the standards pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Navy for such units. Approved, June 25, 1938. [CHAPTER 691] AN ACT June 25,1938 [H. R. 10642] To amend an Act entitled "District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act", approved [Public, No. 733] June 12, 1934, and for other purposes. District of Colum- bia Alley Dwelling Act, amendment. 48 Stat. 930. Legislative deter- mination. 40 Stat. 550 . Power of President to purchase, condemn, etc., land and build- ings. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the first section of the District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act, approved June 12, 1934, is hereby amended to read as follows: "TITLE I "SECTION 1. (a) It is hereby declared to be a matter of legislative determination that the conditions existing in the District of Columbia with respect to the use of buildings in alleys as dwellings for human habitation are injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and it is hereby declared to be the policy of the United States to protect and promote the welfare of the inhabitants of the seat of the Government by eliminating all such injurious conditions by employing all means necessary and appropriate for the purpose; and control by regulatory processes having proved inadequate and insufficient to remedy the evils, it is in the judgment of Congress necessary to acquire property in the District of Columbia by gift, purchase, or the use of eminent domain in order to effectuate the declared policy by the discontinuance of the use for human habitation in the District of Columbia of buildings in alleys, and thereby to eliminate the communities in the inhabited alleys in said District, and to provide decent, safe, adequate, and sanitary habitations for persons or families substantially equal in number to those who are to be deprived of habitation by reason of the demolition of buildings under the terms of this title, and to prevent an acute shortage of decent, safe, adequate, and sanitary dwellings for persons of low income, and to carry out the policy declared in the Act approved May 18 , 1918, as amended, of caring for the alley population in the District of Columbia, and to that end it is necessary to enact the provisions hereinafter set forth. "(b) In order to remedy the conditions and evils hereinbefore recited and to carry out the policy hereinbefore declared, the Pres- ident is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by purchase, gift, condemnation, or otherwise- "(1) any land, building, or structures, or any interest therein, situated in or adjacent to any inhabited alley m the District of Columbia; "(2) any land, buildings, or structures, or any interest therein, within any square containing an inhabited alley, the acquisition of which is reasonably necessary for utilization, by replatting, 80 in originaL 1186 [52 STAT.