Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1258

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.--CH. 795-JUNE 28, 1938 MARSHY HOPE CREEK, MARYLAND The protection of the city of Federalsburg, Maryland, by a sys- tem of levees and flood walls in combination with channel improve- ment, in accordance with the report of the Chief of Engineers dated June 7, 1938, made pursuant to a preliminary examination and sur- vey authorized by the Act of June 22, 1936 (Public, Numbered 738, Seventy-fourth Congress), is hereby authorized at an estimated cost of $220,000. HUDSON AND MOHAWK RIVERS The protection of the city of Waterford, New York, by a system of levees and flood walls in accordance with plans approved by the Chief of Engineers pursuant to preliminary examinations and sur- veys authorized by resolution adopted March 19, 1937, by the Com- mittee on Flood Control of the House of Representatives, United States, is hereby authorized at an estimated cost of $315,000. SAVANNAH RIVER In view of the flood control and other general benefits to accrue from the project known as the Clark Hill Project on the Savannah River, Georgia-South Carolina, described in the "Report To The President," Through the Secretary of War, The Secretary of the Inte- rior, and The Federal Power Commission, by The Savannah River Special Board, and dated at Washington, District of Columbia, Feb- ruary 29, 1936, The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to reim- burse out of flood control appropriations not to exceed $1,700,000 to the State of South Carolina or to a local political subdivision thereof for the actual costs to it of the lands, easements and rights of way needed and acquired for this project. OHIO RIVER BASIN The general comprehensive plan for flood control and other pur- poses in the Ohio River Basin, as set forth in Flood Control Com- mittee Document Numbered 1, Seventy-fifth Congress, first session, with such modifications thereof as in the discretion of the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers may be advisable, is approved and for the initiation and partial accomplishment of said plan there is hereby authorized $75,000,000 for reservoirs and $50,300,000 for local flood-protection works; the reservoirs and local protection proj- ects to be selected and approved by the Chief of Engineers: Provided, That this authorization shall include the diversion of Cache River above Cairo, Illinois, from its outlet into the Ohio River to an outlet into the Mississippi River, and the protection of the area north of the Cairo drainage district by levees extending from said drainage dis- trict along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to high ground, with an estimated cost of $2,000,000: Provided further, That the provisions of Executive Order Numbered 7183A, dated September 12, 1935, are approved, and the acquisition at the cost of the United States of all lands, easements, and rights-of-way needed for the Bluestone Reser- voir project are hereby authorized: Providedfurther, That the Secre- tary of War is hereby authorized and directed to reimburse the Muskingum Conservancy District in Ohio a sum not to exceed the actual expenditures made by it in acquiring lands, easements and rights-of-way for reservoirs in the Muskingum River Valley, but such reimbursement shall not exceed $4,500,000, nor include any expenditures for lands, easements and rights-of-way heretofore or hereafter purchased from said District by the United States. 36525° -3 - --77 1217 Marshy Hope Creek, Md. Protection of Fed- eralsburg, Md. 49 Stat. 1593. Hudson and Mo- hawk Rivers. Protection of Water- ford, N. Y. Savannah River. Clark Hill Project, reimbursement to South Carolina, etc. Ohio River Basin. Approval of plan. Appropriation au- thorized for initiation, etc. Proisas. Diversion of Cache iliver above Cairo. Ill. Levees. Bluestone Reser- voir. Muskingum Coln. servancy District, Ohio, reimbursement.