Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/13

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Act Res. 540 Venereal diseases. AN ACT To impose additional duties upon the United States Public Health Service in connection with the investigation and control of the venereal diseases___________ 541 _. Pensions. AN ACT Granting pensions and increases of pen- sions to certain soldiers, sailors, and nurses of the War with Spain, the Philippine Insurrection, or the China Relief Expe- dition, and for other purposes --------------------- 99 Appropriation, SocialSecurity Board. JOINT RESOLUTION Making an additional appropriation for grants to States for unemployment compensation administration, Social Security Board, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938------------ 542 _---- Fishing industry products. AN ACT To authorize the purchase and distribution of products of the fishing industry__ - __--- 543 ---- Foreign Service buildings, additionalfunds. AN ACT To pro- vide additional funds for buildings for the use of the diplo- matic and consular establishments of the United States----- 544 ----- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. AN ACT To amend section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended _ - - -- 545 -- Temporary detailof U.S . employees to designated governments. AN ACT Authorizing the temporary detail of United States employees, possessing special qualifications, to governments of American Republics and the Philippines, and for other purposes ----------------------------------------- 546 ---- Kaniksu National Forest, Wash., addition. AN ACT For the inclusion of certain lands in the Kaniksu National Forest in the State of Washington, and for other purposes------ 547 -- _ Bridge, Ohio River. AN ACT To extend the times for com- mencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio River between Rockport, Indiana, and Owensboro, Kentucky____-____----___-- __-

548 ----- Smith PointBridge. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to construct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge, known as the Smith Point Bridge, across navigable waters at or near Mastic, southerly to Fire Island, Suffolk County, New York---- 549 ----- Bridge, Columbia River. AN ACT To extend the times for com- mencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Columbia River at Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon - --- 550 ----- Robinson-PatmanAntidiscriminationAct, amendment. AN ACT To amend Public Law Numbered 692, Seventy-fourth Con- gress, second session--------------------------------- 551 ----- Long Island Loop Bridges. AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to construct, maintain, and operate toll bridges, known as the Long Island Loop Bridges, across navigable waters at or near East Marion to Shelter Island, and Shelter Island to North Haven, Suffolk County, New York_------ - 552 ---- Second Liberty Bond Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended----- ---

553 ----- Coast Guard, enlisted men. AN ACT To equalize certain allow- ances for quarters and subsistence of enlisted men of the Coast Guard with those of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps--------------------------------------------- 554 ----- Revenue Act of 1938. AN ACT To provide revenue, equalize taxation, and for other purposes ------------------------ 555 ----- U. S. Courts, additionaljudges. AN ACT To provide for the appointment of additional judges for certain United States district courts, circuit courts of appeals, and certain courts of the United States for the District of Columbia ------------- 556 ----- Bridge, Missouri River. AN ACT To extend the times for com- mencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Randolph, Missouri --------- 557 ----- Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, amendments. AN ACT To amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938------- 558 ----- U . S . Employees' Compensation Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 40 of the United States Employees' Compensa- tion Act, as amended --------------------------------- 559 ----- Cleveland National Forest, Calif. AN ACT To protect the tele- scope and scientific observations to be carried on at the observatory site on Palomar Mountain, by withdrawal of cer- tain public land included within the Cleveland National Forest, California, from location and entry under the mining laws- - -- 560 ----- Alaska, taxes. AN ACT To amend the laws of Alaska imposing taxes for carrying on business and trade ----------------- Date May 24, 1938-- May 24, 1938__ May 25, 1938__- May 25, 1938__ May 25, 1938-- May 25, 1938___ May 25, 1938_ _ May 26, 1938__ - May 26, 1938___ May 26, 1938___ May 26, 1938_ - May 26, 1938___ May 26, 1938___ May 26, 1938 May 26, 1938___ May 28, 1938___ May 31, 1938__ May 31, 1938___ May 31, 1938-- May 31, 1938___ May 31, 1938- __ May 31, 1938--_ Piii P;ge 439 440 441 441 441 442 442 443 444 445 445 446 446 447 447 447 584 585 586 586 587 587