Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1451

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52 STAT.J 75TI CONG., 3D SESS.-CHS. 728-730-JUNE 25, 1938 1411 SEC. 2 . Notwithstanding any other provision of law, said Albin H. Naturalization au- Youngquist may be naturalized as a citizen of the United States by thri filing a declaration of intention and taking the oath of allegiance in the manner prescribed in the naturalization laws before any court having jurisdiction of the naturalization of aliens. Approved, June 25, 1938. [CHAPTER 729] AN ACT June 25, 1938 For the relief of the International Oil Company, of Minot, North Dakota. [I. 3781] [Private, No. 752] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in. Congress assembled, That the Secretary International Oil of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money N. Dak. M in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the International Payment to. Oil Company, of Minot, North Dakota, the sum of $47, representing the net proceeds of check numbered 343572 in the amount of $66, drawn November 16, 1934, to the order of Anne Erlandson, Inter- national Harvester Company of America, Westlie-Nordbye Com- pany, and Governor, Farm Credit Administration, under symbol No. 78-240 of John R. Elliott, after deducting $5 due the United States by Anne Erlandson and $14 due the Westlie-Nordbye Company. The amount so paid to the International Oil Company shall be in full settlement of its claim against the United States for money withheld to apply against an alleged indebtedness of the Interna- tional Oil Company to the United States because of payments made on vouchers 591 and 638 in the amounts of $283.61 and $107.06, June 1933 accounts of Halle D. McCullough, former disbursing officer of the Fort Berthold Indian Agency, North Dakota. SEC. 2. To carry into effect the purpose of the Act of July 16, 1937 leablise for dither (Private, Numbered 240, Seventy-fifth Congress), the Comptroller natedrepayments. General of the United States is hereby authorized and directed to 50 tat. 1033. release the said International Oil Company from further liability for the repayment of the amounts heretofore paid to it on vouchers 591 and 638, referred to in the first section of this Act. Approved, June 25, 1938. [CHAPTER. 730] AN ACT To adjust the lineal positions on the Navy list of certain officers of the Suipply June 25,1380 Corps of the United States Navy. [Private, No. 7M3] Be it cnacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President N u pp ly Corps, .s. is hereby authorized to assign to Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Hugie AdJustmentoflineal Lee Foote, Junior, Supply Corps, United States Navy; Lieutenant of certain officers (Junior Grade) Alfred Thomas Magnell, Supply Corps, United States Navy; Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Donald Orr Lacey, Supply Corps, Unted States Navy; Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Howard Troutman Bierer, Supply Corps, United States Navy; and Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Francis L. Blakelock, Supply Corps, United States Navy, such running mates in the line of the Navy as the said officers would have on the date of approval of this Act had they been originally commissioned in the Supply Corps of the United States Navy upon their graduation from the United States Naval Academy: Provided, That no back pay or allowances shall be held to have Poeio- accrued prior to the date of approval of this Act. No back pay, etc. Approved, June 25, 1938.