Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1495

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TREATIES Treaty between the United States of America and Mexico terminating Article VIII of the Treaty of December 30, 1885 (Gadsden Treaty). Signed at Washington, April 13, 1937; ratification advised by the Senate, June 29, 1937; ratified by the President, July 15, 1937; ratified by Mexico, November 9, 1937; ratifications exchanged at Washington, December 21, 1937; proclaimed, December 27, 1937. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a Treaty between the United States of America and the United Mexican States to terminate Article VIII of the Boundary Treaty, concluded between the two countries in the City of Mexico on December 30, 1853, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the thirteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages is word for word as follows: April 13, 1937 [T. 8.No. 932] Treaty with Mex- ico terminating Arti- cle VIII of the Bound- ary Treaty. Preamble. 10 Stat. 1035 . TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES WHEREBY ARTICLE VIII OF THE BOUNDARY TREATY, CON- CLUDED BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES, IN THE CITY OF MEXICO, DECEMBER 30, 1853 , IS TERMINATED. The Governments of the United States of America and the United Mexican States, desirous of mani- festing the mutual and enduring respect which they have for their independence; desirous also of eliminating all obstacles that may arise to the good relations which happily exist between them; and deeming that Article VIII of the Boundary Treaty which they con- cluded in the City of Mexico, December 30, 1853, was agreed upon in the light of a certain state of affairs which has disap- peared, have agreed to conclude a treaty in which the said Article TRATADO ENTRE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Y LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS FOR EL QUE SE DEROGA EL ARTICULO OCTAVO DEL TRA- TADO DE LIMITES, CELEBRA- DO ENTRE LOS MISMOS PAISES, EN LA CIUDAD DE MEXICO, EL TREINTA DE DICIEMBRE DE MIL OCHOCIENTOS CINCUEN- TA Y TRES. Los Gobiernos de los Estados Unidos de America y de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, deseo- sos de manifestar el respeto mutuo e inquebrantable que tienen por su independencia; deseosos, ademas, de hacer desaparecer todos los obstaculos que pueden oponerse a las buenas relaciones que entre ellos felizmente existen; y, con- siderando que el Articulo octavo del Tratado de Limites que cele- braron en la ciudad de M6xico el treinta de diciembre de mil ochocientos cincuenta y tres fue concertado en vista de un deter- minado estado de cosas que ha 1457 36525-38-- -92 Purposes declared.