Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1500

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in accordance with the terms in force under this article shall be exempt from the operation of this Agreement. Any contracting Government may at any time revoke a permit granted by it under this article. ARTICLE 11. The fullest possible use shall be made of all whales taken. Except in the case of whales or parts of whales intended for human food or for feeding animals, the oil shall be extracted by boiling or otherwise from all blubber, meat (except the meat of sperm whales) and bones other than the internal organs, whale bone and flippers, of all whales delivered to the factory ship or land station. Fullest use of car- casses to be made. ARTICLE 12. Number limited to capacity of plant. Gunners and crews of factory ships, etc. , remuneration. Emolumentsof gun- ners and crew mem- bers. There shall not at any time be taken for delivery to any factory ship or land station a greater number of whales than can be treated efficiently and in accordance with article 11 of the present Agreement by the plant and personnel therein within a period of thirty-six hours from the time of the killing of each whale. Gunners and crews of factory ships, land stations and whale catchers shall be engaged on terms such that their remuneration shall depend to a considerable extent upon such factors as the species, size and yield of whales taken, and not merely upon the number of the whales taken, and no bonus or other remuneration, calculated by reference to the results of their work, shall be paid to the gunners and crews of whale catchers in respect of any whales the taking of which is forbidden by this Agreement. ARTICLE 14. With a view to the enforcement of the preceding article, each contracting Government shall obtain, in respect of every whale catcher under its jurisdiction, an account showing the total emolument of each gunner and member of the crew and the manner in which the emolument of each of them is calculated. ARTILE 15. Application of cer- tain provisions to fac- tory ships, land sta- tions, or catchers. Ante, p. 1461. Articles 5, 9, 13 and 14 of the present Agreement, in so far as they impose obligations not already in force, shall not until the 1st day of December, 1937, apply to factory ships, land stations or catchers attached thereto which are at present operating or which have already taken practical measures with a view to whaling operations during the period before the said date. In respect of such factory ships, land stations and whale catchers, the Agreement shall in any event come into force on the said date. TREATIES [52 STAT. ARTICLE 13.