Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1538

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1502 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [52 STAT. (4) The Government of the United States shall furnish regularly in one copy a full set of the official publications of its several depart- ments, bureaus, offices, and institutions. A list of such departments and instrumentalities is attached (List No. 2). This list shall be ex- tended to include, without the necessity of subsequent negotiations, any new offices that the Government may create in the future. (5) With respect to departments and instrumentalities which at this time do not issue publications and which are not mentioned in the attached lists, it is understood that publications issued in the future by those offices shall be furnished in one copy. (6) Neither Government shall be obligated by this agreement to furnish confidential publications, blank forms, or circular letters not of a public nature. (7) Each party to the agreement shall bear the postal, railroad, steamship, and other charges arising in its own country. (8) Both parties express their willingness as far as possible to expedite shipments. (9) This agreement shall not be understood to modify the already existing agreements between the various government departments and instrumentalities of the two countries. I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. J. BUTLER WRIGHT His Excellency Dr. JUAN J. REMOS, Secretary of State, Habana. LIST NO. 2 LIST OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, OFFICES, AND INSTITUTIONS, OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF WHICH ARE TO BE FURNISHED TO THE CUBAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND CUBA AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Crops and markets, monthly Department leaflet Farmers' bulletin, irregular Journal of agricultural research, semi-monthly Miscellaneous publication Technical bulletin, irregular Yearbook of agriculture, bound Agriculturaleconomics bureau Agricultural situation, monthly Statistical bulletin Report, annual Agricultural engineeringbureau Report, annual