Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1589

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INDEX A A. C . Messier Company, claim referred to Court of Claims-------------- A. J. Peters Company, Inc., claim referred to Court of Claims--------------- A. Pritzker and Sons, Inc., payment to - Acadia National Park, Maine, appropria- tion for administration, etc-------- Accomac County, Va., waterway from Chesapeake Bay to Atlantic Ocean through, examination authorized---- Accounting Office. See General Account- ing Office. Accounts and Deposits, appropriation for office of Commissioner of---_----- Ackia National Memorial Commission and Battleground National Monument, Miss., funds continued available for_ Acme Wire and Iron Works, payment to- _ Adams Act, appropriation for allotments under------------------------- Adelberger, H. W., Jr., adjustment of claim authorized----------------- Adjournment of Congress, concurrent resolution for -_- --- --- --- -- --- - Adjutant General's Department. See War Department. Advertising, False. See Federal Trade Commission Act, Amendments. Aerial Legal Experts, International Tech- nical Committee of, appropriation for contribution ----------------- Aerology, appropriation for maintenance of stations----------------------- Aeronautical Charts, appropriation for compilation, etc ------------------ Aeronautics Act. See Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938. Aeronautics, Bureau of, appropriation for_ Aeronautics, National Advisory Commit- tee for, appropriation for ---------- Africa, Convention Relating to Liquor Traf- fic in, appropriation for contribution- Agreements. See International Agree- ments Other Than Treaties. Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amendment, hops included as commodity to which orders applicable----------------- Page 1366 1316 1429 330 806 123 1134 1283 714 1316 1454 254 718 281 1142 420 254 215 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. See Page also Price Adjustment Act of 1938. Appropriation for administrative ex- penses-------------------- 744,1126 Adjustment in freight rates, new uses and markets; surpluses- Cotton, exportation of unmanufac- tured; benefit payments-------- 38 Federal Surplus Commodities Corpo- ration, continuation of--------- 38 Freight rates for farm products, ad- justments-------------------- 36 New uses and markets for farm com- modities; establishment of re- search laboratories; appropria- tion authorized---------------- 37 Check clearance, etc., expenses, transfer of funds for, to Treasury Depart- ment------------------------- 139 Cotton pool participation trust certifi- cates, purchase and payment for - 70 Appropriation authorized----------- 70 Appropriation for--------------- 747 Assignees, limitation on payments to-------------------------- 71 Death of person entitled to pay- ment---------------------- 747 1933 pool, continuation of -------- 71 Purchase, etc., authority extended__ _ 747 Time limitation----------------- 71 Cotton, reconcentration of, held as loan security; manner of securing writ- ten consent-------. ------------ 762 Crop insurance. See Federal Crop In- surance Act. Declaration of policy -------------- Enrollment of bill, correction directed in_ Loans, parity payments, consumer safe- guards, and marketing quotas- Administrative provisions -------- Quotas, publication and review --- Court jurisdiction ---------- General adjustments --------- Measurement of farms and plant- ings ------------------- Penalties, payment and collec- tion ------------------ Regulations------------------ Reports and records ---------- 1553 31 1449 62 62 63, 66 64 65 65 66 65