Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1597

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1561 INDEX Appropriations-Continued. Marine Band, attendance at- Gettysburg, observance of Battle of, authorized ---------------- Appropriation for -------------- Grand Army Encampment, 1938, authorized ------------------ Appropriation for-------------- United Confederate Veterans' Re- union, Columbia, S. C., author- ized.----------------------- Appropriation for ------------- Maritime Labor Board, authorized---- Mason County, Wash., co operation in construction, etc., of public-school building, authorized ------------ Mediterranean fruit fly, investigation of losses resulting from campaign to eradicate, authorized--- --------- Appropriation for ----------------- Middle Rio Grande Conservancy Dis- trict- Conservation, extra construction costs, etc., repayment of unpaid share, authorized------- ------ Operation and maintenance costs, 1934-1937, repayment of assess- ments for, authorized.-------. Mitchel Field, N . Y ., acquisition of land--------------------------- Mount Rushmore National Memorial, authorized--------------------- Appropriation for ---------------- Muhlenberg, Gen. Peter Gabriel, erec- tion of monument to memory of, at Woodstock, Va., authorized ----- Munitions of war, educational orders with commercial concerns, author- ized-------------------------- Appropriation for----------------- National economic committee, author- ized-------------------------- Appropriation for ----------------- Naval petroleum reserves, purchase or condemnation of lands adjoining or within, authorized - --------- Navy, increase of composition in under- age vessels, authorized --------- Public works projects, authorized- --- Northwest Territory Celebration Com- mission, authorized------------- Appropriation for----------------- Norway, payment to, as indemnity for detention of crew of steamer Sagatind, authorized------------ Appropriation for _--------------- Ordinance of 1787, observance of anniversary of adoption, addi- tional, authorized--------------- Appropriation for----------------- Page 343 1142 695 1142 821 1142 969 685 436 1125 778 779 1153 695 1128 767 70S 115: 70( 111; 125. 40 119 59 111 35 114 59 111 Appropriations-Continued. Page Oregon, Battleship, permanent mooring for, authorized------------------ 678 Pan American Highway Conference, Third, participation, authorized--- 408 Appropriation for----------------- 1147 Pan-American Highway, cooperation in_ 1146 Plant diseases, etc. , control of out- breaks of----------------------- 83 Public buildings, acquisition of sites for, in District of Columbia, author- ized ------------------------- 149 Pueblo Indian lands, N. Mex., repay- ment of cost of extra construction works for benefit of, authorized--- 779 Regional research laboratories, author- ized ------------------------ 37 Relief, additional, fiscal year 1938 ---- 83 Rivers and harbors, prosecution of projects, examinations, etc. , au- thorized------------------ 1225,1226 Rotary-wing, etc. , aircraft, develop- ment of, authorized ------------- 1255 Salt Lake City, construction of build- ing for experiment station, Bureau of Mines, authorized------------- 82 Appropriation for----------------- 1133 San Diego, Calif., exchange of certain lands with, authorized----------- 777 Smithsonian Gallery of Art, D. C ., authorized-------------------- 400, 401 Appropriation for --------------- 1118 Sugar Act of 1937, administrative expenses---------------------- 27 Tahoe National Forest, Nev., purchase of land for addition to, authorized- 28 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commis- sion------------------------- 1118 United States Constitution Sesquicen- tennial Commission, additional-- - 349 Venereal diseases, assistance to States for control, etc. , of, fiscal years 1939-1941, authorized----------- 439 West Point, N. Y., a cquisition of land- 1154 3 Whaling, International Conference for Regulation of, participation in---- 1146 2 Arapahoe Indians, Okla., certain lands set 5 &aside for; allotment in severalty forbidden------------------------ 213 5 Arbitration: 7 Appropriation for- Boards, expenses----------------- 422 Bureau of Interparliamentary Union


for Promotion of International, 7 contribution- ----------------- 253 International Bureau of Permanent Court of, contribution--------- 253 35 Arboretum, National, appropriation for .7 maintenance, etc------------------ 724