Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1614

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1578 INDEX Commerce, Department of-Continued. Sea Scout Department of Boy Scouts of America, disposal of material of Bureau of Lighthouses to, author- ized --------------- .... .... .... Transfer of land to, from certain mili- tary reservations --_- --- -. -- __-__ Commercial Agreements: Chile, provisional ------------------- Venezuela, provisional------- ____- - Commercial Banking and Trust Company, of Sandusky, Ohio, payment to - - - Commission of Experts on Codification of International Law, appropriation for participation in meeting of .. _- --_ - Commission to Study the Subject of Her- nando de Soto's Expedition, funds continued available --------------- Commissioners, United States Courts, ap- propriation for fees --------- 89, 268, Committee on Purchases of Blind-made Products, establishment; composition, etc --......--.-- __ ...-.........- Determination of fair market price for commodities manufactured by the blind and offered for sale to Gov- ernment; purchase by Government agencies - _ -

-- . ...-- --- _ Commodity Credit Corporation: Appropriation for ----------------- Cotton- Insurance and reconcentration ----- 1937 loans, extension of maturity date authorized ---------_ _- --_ _ -_ _ Reconcentration of, held as security for loan made or arranged by, under Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938; manner of securing written consent ----- ___ ___ ..- Transfers to, of title to crops on which loans made------------.----_- Sale of acquired 1937 crop; limita- tion on sale after July 31, 1939- Funds continued available for------- Maintenance of capital unimpaired at $100,,000,000 ----.. -- .. ... ... Annual appropriations authorized- - Appropriation for -.............. Excess, use of, to retire public debt - Obligations, issuance authorized; aggregate amount------------- Tax exemption, etc ------------ . Transfer of certain stock of, to United States. -- -.. --- ------ ---- Commodity Exchange Act: Appropriation for enforcement _- --- -- Amendment- Provisions extended to wool tops -- - Page 692 247 1479 1493 1332 1146 1148 1138 1196 1196 1116 67 67 762 67 67 430 107 107 1148 107 108 108 107 742 205 Communications Act of 1934, Amendment: Common carriers, furnishing reports of positions of ships at sea to news- papers --------------- .. -- _-_ _ Rules by Federal Communications Commission --------. ... -- ___ Communications Commission. See Fed- eral Communications Commission. Compacts. See Interstate Compacts. Competition, unfair methods. See Federal Trade Commission Act, Amendments. Complete Machinery and Equipment Com- pany, Inc., payment to------------ Compositions, Agricultural. See Bank- ruptcy Act of 1898, Amendments. Compton, Arthur H., appointment as mem- ber of Board of Regents, Smithsonian Institution -------------------- .- Comptroller General. See General Ac- counting Office. Comptroller of the Currency: Appropriation for office of -------- .. . District of Columbia, trust companies; reduction of capital, supervision by- Conciliation Commissioners, appropria- tion for----------------. ----_ _-. _ Concord Casualty and Surety Company, payment to State of New York Insur- ance Department as liquidator of . -- Concurrent Resolutions: Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, correction in enrollment directed- _ Chaplain of the House of Representa- tives, printing of prayers by, or- dered -----------. .. .. .. ... .. .. Congress- Adjournment ---------------- __- __ Signing enrolled bills, etc., after _- Joint meeting of the two Houses -- - Federal Aid Highway Act, additional copies of hearings on bill to amend, ordered printed----------------- First Deficiency Appropriation Act,fiscal year 1938, correction in enrollment- Fontana, Josephine, cancelation and correction in re-enrollment of bill for relief of.-----.---_________- Forestry, Joint Committee on, estab- lishment; duties, etc------------- John Hay, appointment of committee authorized to represent Congress at anniversary celebration; documents to be furnished --------.. . .----- Juvenile Court Act, D. C., correction in enrollment of bill-----. -- .-- ___- Missouri River, bridge across, at Ran- dolph, Mo., substitution of dupli- cate copy of bill relative to, au- thorized--_ __ _ _- -- -- --- -- --

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