Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1616

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1580 INDEX Congress-Continued. Special reports to be submitted to, by/ on-Continued. American merchant vessels, compre- hensive system for training of citizens to serve on, by Maritime Commission ---- ------- _ _--__ Civil Aeronautics Authority, foreign rate study --------- __---_ ___- Commission for commemoration of anniversary of Battles of Chicka- mauga, Lookout Mountain, Chat- tanooga, and Missionary Ridge_ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1938, operations under-----__ Experimental air mail services------ Federal Trade Commission, motor vehicle, etc, distribution practices, investigation of---_ __ ___ ___ __ _- Forestry, Joint Committee on------ Gettysburg, observance of Battle of- Insect pests, etc., expenditure of ap- propriation for control of out- breaks of -- . -- __ _______ ____ Maritime Labor Board, plan for permanent labor policy -------- National economic committee----- _ Phosphate resources of United States, joint committee to investigate-- Submarine bases, etc., need for addi- tional --------------------- Tennessee Valley Authority, special joint congressional committee cre- ated for investigation of; duties- _ - Expenses, division of payment of___ Report and recommendations------- Congress Construction Company, pay- ment to trustee for ------------- . . Congress of the Universal Postal Union, funds made available for expenses of delegate . ------ -----. .--- ------- - Congressional Cemetery, D. C ., appro- priation for maintenance, etc--- ..... Congressional Directory, appropriation for preparation ------------- . _-_ _- -__ Congressional Investigations: Witnesses- Failure to appear, testify, produce papers, etc., proceedings against- Immunity from criminal proceedings_ Incriminating questions, witness not privileged to refuse to answer-_ _ Oaths, administration - -_ -_--_--___ Refusal to testify, penalty -------- Congressional Record, appropriation for preparation of indexes

Conklin, Olive Fletcher (Mrs.), payment to- Connecticut: New London, improvements at Sub- marine Base authorized--------- Page 965 993 637 815 219 218 1453 611 83 969 706 704 403 154 156 156 1324 144 667 390 942 943 942 943 943 396 1436 1195 Connecticut-Continued. Page Release of accountability for loss of cer- tain War Department property-_ - 1033 Rivers and harbors, preliminary exam- inations authorized---------__ 806, 1223 Connecticut River Basin, approval of plan for flood control, etc---------------- 1216 Connell, John F. (Capt.), credit in ac- counts---------------------------- Connor, John M. (Capt.), credit in ac- 1306 counts ------------- _------------- 1306 Conroy, Kathleen A., payment to------- 1349 Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, pay- ment to-------------- .- - -- - - - - - -_ 1302 Consolvo, Charles H., reopening of case in Court of Claims, as receiver----- _- -- 1444 Constitution Sesquicentennial Commis- sion, additional funds made available for --- -

349 Construction and Repair, Bureau of. See Navy Department. Construction-Differential Subsidy. See Merchant Marine Act, 1936, Amend- ments. Consumers' Counsel, National Bitumi- nous Coal Commission, appropriation for----------------------------- 295 Contested-Election Expenses, appropria- tion for payment of ---------------- 1115 Contingent Expenses: Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department of ---------- 712 Commerce, Department of ---------- 270 District of Columbia -------- 87, 160, 1120 Executive Office ------------------- 411 Farm Credit Administration ---- _-_ 750 General Accounting Office ----------- 418 House of Representatives - - - 86, 388, 1115 Interior, Department of the --------- 293 Justice, Department of--------- 259, 1136 Labor, Department of -------------- 284 Library of Congress ---------------- 394 Navy Department ---------- 224, 238, 245 Post Office Department ------------- 140 Senate ------------------------- 384 State, Department of--------_ _ 248, 1145 Foreign Service --------- 90, 252, 1145 Treasury Department-------- __ 122, 1149 Coast Guard ------------------- 130 War Department------------------ 643 Contract Air Mail Service, appropriation for ----- _----- ----- ------ ------ 144 Contractors. See also Government Con- tractors. Public buildings, appropriation for pay- ment of claims for relief---------- 138 Convention Relating to Liquor Traffic in Africa, appropriationfor contribution- 254 Cook and Company, Inc. Se Willard R. Cook and Company, Inc.