Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1631

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INDEX Elizabeth City, N. C., appropriation for establishment of Coast Guard air station at -- __. . ___ Elk, disposition of surplus, of Wind Cave National Park authorized ..... -- .. Elk River, Cecil County, Md., examina- tion authorized ------ ___-__ __-_- - Ellicott Creek, N. Y., examination author- ized -------- _____________________ Ellis Island Immigration Station, use of hospitals by Public Health Service_ Ellsworth, James A., provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to --------.......---.-------- El Morro National Monument, appro- priation for water supply, etc ------ El Reno, Okla., appropriation for con- struction of water facilities -- __..... Embarrass River, III., examination au- thorized -------------- ___ ._ -- ____ Embrey, Earle, payment to----_ _- -- - Emergency Agencies. See Government Departments and Agencies; Inde- pendent Offices. Emergency Boards, appropriation for expenses-----------_ -- - - -- - - - _ Emergency Conservation Work, appro- priation for employees' compensa- tion fund ----- .. --.----------..-- Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, Amend- ment, Land Bank Commissioner's loans; interest rate limitation - _ .-- _ Emergency Fleet Corporation, United States Shipping Board, appropria- tion for payment of judgments ----- Emergency Relief, appropriation for em- ployees' compensation fund--------- Emergency Relief Administration, ap- propriation for audited claims-- . -- - Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1938: Appropriation for- Administrative expenses ___ - __- _ _- Agriculture, Secretary of ---------- Interior, Department of the, Puerto Rican Reconstruction Adminis- tration -.- --- ---- .-- --. .- ---. . United States Employees' Compensa- tion Commission .- --

Works Progress Administration- - - National Youth Administration___ Adjusted compensation payments not considered in determining need for employment ---- -

Administrative expenses not to exceed allocations---- --------------- Administrative rules, etc ------------ Aliens, restriction on employment of illegally-entered . -- . .- ---- ----- -. Page 1151 708 1223 1223 133 1406 333 263 1224 1409 422 415 709 95 415 95 810 810 810 810 809 810 812 811 811 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1938-Continued. Allocation of funds to other Federal agencies -------- _ _. --------- Appointments, apportionment of------ Apportionment of funds over period; exception ----- _---- --__ ----- Candidates, etc., for State offices, restric- tion on payments to--_ -- -_ _- Citizenship requirements; exceptions-_- Classes of projects .-----------.-- ___ Damage claims, ascertainment and pay- ment ----- .- -- -- -- -- _-_-- Death or disability compensation- . .- _ _ Cases within purview of State work- men's compensation laws __ -- - Employment of needy not heretofore listed ------------. -- __--______ Expenditures, limitation on---_ ___ __ Extension of certain agencies until June 30, 1939 --------- .- .....-..... False statements with intent to defraud, penalty --------- __. .------- Farmers, employment of needy --- __- Minor purchases without advertising- __ Preferences in employment- --- _----- Prevailing rates of pay on projects---- Rates established under Labor Stand- ards Act -- .---- ------ --. Private employment, refusal of offer of


Eligibility on expiration of -------- Projects, work forbidden unless funds for completion allocated; excep- tions .......-- __-.... .... ...... Non-Federal, acceptance of contri- butions from sponsors --------. Quarterly statements by relief workers as to outside income ----- _ ---- Refusal to accept employment on other Federal or non-Federal projects, re- striction on employment ------- Reports to Congress ------ . --- - _ _ _ _. Restoration where separation not due to fault of worker--. . ------------ - Restriction on use of funds ---- .- -- __ Separations, retention of employees ac- cording to population -------- _- States, administrative positions in, ap- pointments . -- -

__ - Supplies and material, special revolving fund for purchase of-- ---------- Veterans, preference to.----- -..... Employees' Compensation Act, Amend- ments: Alaska Railroad, administration in re- spect of employees of, transferred to general manager ----------- _ _ lisability claims; right of appeal-_ - 1595 Page 811 813 810 813 813 809 815 814 814 812 815 811 814 812 814 813 812 812 813 813 811 811 812 812 815 812 815 813 813 814 814 200 201 b81 '