Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1651

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INDEX Independent Offices-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. National Archives ----------------- 420 National Capital Park and Planning Commission--------------- 421, 1117 National Economic Committee, tem- porary ---------------------- _ 1118 National Labor Relations Board - - 86, 422 National Mediation Board------- 422, 1117 National Railroad Adjustment Board------------------- 422, 1117 Northwest Territory Celebration Commission ------------------ 1117 Oil lands in former naval reserves, pro- tection of interests of United States in matters affecting ------ 423 Pan American Exposition---------- 423 Perry's Victory Celebration-----_ ___ _ 1117 Railroad Retirement Board_- 86, 423, 1118 Reconstruction Finance Corporation_ 434 Rural Electrification Administration_ 424 Securities and Exchange Commission_ 424, 1118 Smithsonian Institution----------425, 1118 Social Security Board----------- 425, 441 Tariff Commission ---------------- Temporary National Economic Com- mittee ---------------------- Tennessee Valley Authority-------- Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commis- sion .----------------------- Veterans' Administration ---------- Citizenship requirements, employees-- Emergency agencies, establishment of appropriate appropriation accounts_ Salaries limited to average rates under Classification Act --------------- Independent Offices Appropriation Act. See Independent Offices. Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1934, Amendment, restriction on awarding air mail contracts where sal- ary in excess of $17,500 paid; provi- sion repealed--------------------- Indian Affairs, Bureau of. See also In- terior, Department of the. Disbursing agents, credit in accounts of certain------------------------ Indian Arts and Crafts Board, appropria- tion for expenses------------------ Indian Bayou, La., examination author- ized --------------------------- Indian River, Del., examination author- ized---------------------------- Indiana: Great Lakes, agreement with States bor- dering on, with respect to fishing in waters of, authorized ----------- Ohio River, time extended for bridging, at Rockport---------- --------- 36525°-38 - 102 427 1118 428 1118 428 435 435 435 1027 1293 303 807 806 200 AAA Indiana-Continued. Rivers and harbors, examination author- ized -------------------------- Wabash River, time extended for bridg- ing, at Merom..------------- Indians. See also Interior, Department of the, Indian Affairs, Bureau of. Arapahoe, Okla. , ce rtain lands set aside for -------------------------- Bismarck School, conveyance of lands and improvements to State of North Dakota for lands, etc., in exchange; appraisal_


___ Cherokee, N. C ., Eastern Band, sale of certain lands authorized; disposi- tion of proceeds ---


Cheyenne, Okla., certain lands set aside for------------------------ Chippewa, Minn.- Lake of the Woods, etc., certain ceded lands bordering on, made subject to flowage easement; compensa- tion for extinguished rights----- Red Lake Band- Claims of, referred to Court of Claims -------------------- Division of funds between, and other Chippewas ------- Deposit and investment of funds to credit of, authorized ---------- _- Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, pay- ments for damages----------- Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, appropri- ation for purchase of land ------- Goshute, purchase of certain lands as permanent reservation for ------ Intoxicating liquor, sale to, prohibited__ Irrigation projects, apportionment of cost on per-acre basis---------- Concessions on reservoir sites and leases of land for agricultural, etc., purposes authorized----- Klamath, Oreg., payment of expenses of General Council, Business Com- mittee, etc., authorized---------- Menominee Tribe, reference of claims to Court of Claims-------------- Separate suits permitted ---------- Unlawfully cut timber, computation of damages, etc -------------- Mineral leases, unallotted lands, author- ized -------------------------- Nebraska, deposit of certain records of tribes of, with Nebraska State His- torical Society; validity of certified copies------------------------- Osage, Okla.- Adult members, quarterly payments to, not having certificate of com- petency, from income--------- 1615 Page 1224 1229 213 1173 1213 213 215 1212 697 1037 1363 1130 216 696 304 193 1207 208 208 209 347 1243 1034 ---