Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1658

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1622 Judge Advocates General, Navy, retire- ment, rank, and pay--------------- Judges. See also United States Courts. Appointment of additional- Alabama, northern district -------- Arkansas, eastern and western dis- tricts------------------------ California, northern district -------- Southern district---------------- District of Columbia, District Court of the United States for, associate justices--------------------- United States Court of Appeals for, associate justice--------- Fifth judicial circuit--------------- Illinois, northern district----------- Louisiana, eastern district---------- Western district---------------- Massachusetts district------------ First vacancy in district not to be filled----------------------- Michigan, eastern district---------- Montana district, filling of vacancy_- New York, southern district------- First vacancy in district not to be filled---------------------- Second judicial circuit ------------ Seventh judicial circuit------------ Sixth judicial circuit--------------- Tennessee, eastern and middle dis- tricts------------------------ No successor to be appointed ------ Texas, southern district ----------- Third judicial circuit, filling of va- cancy----------------------- Virginia, western district---------- Washington, western district-------- Hawaii, retirement ----------------- Pennsylvania, temporary judgeship made permanent, eastern district- Retired, residence requirements re- moved-..---.----------------.. Judgments: Appropriation for payment of, against/ by- INDEX Page 839 12( 585 58E 585 585 584 584 585 11l 585 585 585 585 585 585 585 584 584 584 585 585 585 585 585 585 591 780 28 Collectors of customs----------- 102, 1162 Court of Claims ---------------- 95, 1156 District of Columbia ------------- 88 United States Courts------------ 94. 1155 Judicial Branch of the Government. See Judges; United States Courts. Judicial Code, Amendments: Circuit courts of appeal, jurisdiction - Habeas corpus proceedings brought to test validity of orders of removal, appeals abolished--------------- West Virginia judicial districts, terms of court ---------------------- Judicial Districts: Kansas, terms of court at Hutchinson; accommodations - - .- --- -- -- - 779 1232 1245 673 Judicial Districts-Continued. Pennsylvania Eastern, temporary judge- ship made permanent ------ ____-- Pennsylvania Middle, terms of court at Wilkes-Barre -----------_ _ _- - __ Virginia Eastern, terms of court at New- port News --------------------. West Virginia, terms of court-_ _ _ __ _ - Judiciary. See Judges; United States Courts. Jurors and Witnesses, United States Page 780 674 674 1245 Courts: Appropriation for fees --------------- 268 Per diem fees, limitation on payment_ - _ 269 Justice, Department of. See also Attor- ney General. Appropriation for- Administrative Division ----------- 258 Anti-Trust Division --------------- 258 Antitrust and kindred laws, enforce- ment of------------------- 260, 1137 Assistant Solicitor General, Office of_ _ 258 Assistant to the Attorney General, Office of- ------------------ _ 258 Attorney General, Office of------ 258,1136 Audited claims ------- 97,101, 1158, 1161 Bond and Spirits Division ---------- 260 Claims Division------------------ 258 Contingent expenses ------------ 259, 1136 Courts, United States. See United States Courts. Criminal Division ---------------- _ 258 Customs cases, conduct of -------- _ 260 Damage claims----------------- 94, 1155 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1938, administrative expenses_ 810 Federal Bureau of Investigation- . . -- 88, 259, 1136 Judicial offices, examination of ------ 260 Lands Division -------- _---------- 258 Northern Pacific Railway Company, etc., expenses, prosecution of case against------------------ 1137 Pardon Attorney, Office of--------- 258 Penal and correctional institutions - _ 261, 1138 Buildings and equipment --------- 263 Federal jails-------------------- 263 Medical and hospital service------ 261 Prison camps ------------------- 263 Prisoners, support of------------ 89, 264 Printing and binding ---------- 259, 1136 Prisons, Bureau of ---------------- 261 Solicitor General, Office of---------- 258 Tax Division --------------------- 258 Traveling expenses---------------- 258 Veterans' insurance litigation ------- 261 Alcatraz Island, Calif., transfer of land to ---.------------------.--- 247 Attorneys, license requirements ------- 26 Citizenship requirementa, employees - 289