Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1682

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1646 INDEX North Dakota-Continued. Page Red River of the North, bridge author- ized across, at Caledonia---------- 195 Consent of Congress granted to com- pact with Minnesota and South Dakota regarding waters of ----- 150 Rivers and harbors, examination au- thorized ----------------------- 1225 North Haven, N. Y., construction of bridge to Shelter Island authorized -------- 446 North Mississippi Oil Mills, statutes of limitation waived and claim referred to Court of Claims---- ------------ 1421 North Platte Project, Nebr. -Wyo., appro- priation for operation, etc ----------- 320 North Slough, Coos County, Oreg.: Examination authorized -------------- 807 Time extended for construction of dam and dike ----------------------- 807 Northeastern Penitentiary, appropriation for ------------------------ 262, 1138 Northeastern Piping and Construction Corporation, payment to------------ 1285 Northern Pacific Railway Company, etc., appropriation for expenses of prosecu- tion of case against ----------------- 1137 Northwest Territory Celebration Commis- sion, additional appropriation for, au- thorized ------------------------- 595 Appropriation for---- _-----_------- 1117 Norway: Appropriation for minister to---------- 250 Indemnity for detention of crew of steamer Sagatind,appropriation au- thorized for payment.- -- -- -- -- -_ - 350 Appropriation for. -- - -. -- - -- -

1147 Treaty provisions, reciprocal enforce- ment of certain, proclaimed _- - - - - - 1539 Notes to the Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts of the United States, additional copies ordered printed--------------------------- 1451 November 11, declared legal holiday---- 351 Nurse Corps, grant of pensions for service during War with Spain, Philippine Insurrection, or China Relief Ex- pedition-------------------------- 440 0 Oahu, Hawaii, naval radio station, im- provements authorized ---------- Oak Creek and Plain Dealing Creek, Md., channel connecting, improvement authorized ---------- _

Ocean and Lake Surveys, appropriation for--- - . ._..------------- --- Ocean Mail Contracts, adjustment of claims------- -_-

1195 803 227 606 Ochoco National Forest, Oreg., lands added to-----.- --- -

O'Donnell, George Eric Maxia (Capt.), British Navy, presentation of Distin- guished Service Medal to, author- ized ----------------------------- O'Farrell, Hugh, payment to----------- Official Publications, agreement with Cuba for exchange of ----------- Ogden River Project, Utah, appropriation for construction __-------__-__- Oglethorpe National Trail and Parkway, survey authorized for proposed con- struction----------------__- - -- _ Page 692 625 1337 1497 322 753 Ohio: Great Lakes, agreement with States bordering on, with respect to fish- ing in waters of, authorized ----- _ 200 Muskingum Conservancy District, reim- bursement for expenditures in acquisition of lands, easements, etc., authorized------------------ 1217 Rivers and harbors, examinations au- thorized ----------------------1224 Ohio Public Service Company, payment to ----------------------- .-- -- -- 1332 Ohio River: Flood, 1937, emergency use of funds, etc., by War Department validated 93 Time extended for bridging, at- Cairo, Il ----------------------- - 346 Rockport, Ind.-Owensboro, Ky ---- _ 444 Ohio River Basin, approval of plan for flood control, etc------------------ 1217 Oil Lands in Former Naval Reserves, appropriation for protection of inter- ests of United States in matters affecting ------------------------ _ 423 Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters, Conference on, funds continued avail- able -------------------------- 1147 Oils, amendments to tax on certain------ 568 Oklahoma: Appropriation for- Altus project, proposed, cooperative investigation- --. .----- ------ -- 324 Choctaw and Pawnee Indians, fulfill- ing treaty obligations with----- 318 Choctaw-Chickasaw Sanatorium and General Hospital, construction, etc-------------------------- 1132 Indians, support, etc., of_ -_ 301,303, 308, 309, 310, 312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 1131 Payment to, from royalties, oil and gas, south half of Red River-- - 297 Platt National Park, administration, etc------------------------- 332 Arapahoe Indians, certain lands set aside for ---------------------- 213