Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1686

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1650 INDEX Pennsylvania-Continued. Page Great Lakes, agreement with States bordering on, with respect to fish- ing in waters of, authorized ------- 200 Middle Judicial District, terms of court at Wilkes-Barre----------------- 674 Rivers and harbors, improvements au- thorized ----------------------- 803 Preliminary examinations author- ized---------------------- 807, 1223 Pensacola, Fla., appropriation for im- provements, Naval Air Station __- -- 238 Pensacola Historical Society, Fla., trans- fer of tower clock to, from Escambia County Courthouse Building, au- thorized -------------------------- 437 Pensions. See also Veterans; Veterans' Administration; World War Veterans. War with Spain, Philippine Insurrec- tion, or China Relief Expedition, service in; pensions and increases in pensions granted-------------- 440 Perilla Oil, tax on importation- --------- 569 Perilla Seed, tax on importation ------- 569 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, appropriation for administration _ -- 740 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930, Amendment, reparation orders, immediate payment of undisputed portion of amount claimed; deter- mination of remaining amount------ 953 Permanent Association of International Road Congresses, appropriation for contribution---------------------- 254 Permanent Court of Arbitration, Interna- tional Bureau of, appropriation for contribution ---------------- _----- 253 Permanent International Commission of the Congresses of Navigation, appro- priation for----------------------- 670 Perry, Charles B., payment to---------- 1333 Perry Creek, Iowa, examination author- ized----------------------------- Perry's Victory Memorial Commission, payment of obligations incurred by- _ Perry's Victory Memorial Monument, payments for maintenance --------- Perryville, Md., bridge authorized across Susquehanna River to Havre de Grace --------------------------- Persia. See Iran. Personal Holding Companies, taxes. See Income Tax. Personal Holding Companies, Foreign, taxes. See Income Tax. Peru, appropriation for ambassador to--- Peters, Chester H., payment to-------- Peters Company, Inc. See A. J . Peters Company, Inc. 1224 1332 1332 206 249 1265 Petersburg, Alaska, conveyance of site Page for fur farm experiment station to University of Alaska--------------- 379 Petersburg, Va., appropriation for Federal Reformatory Camp -- _--------_ 263, 1138 Petersen, Newton (Mrs.), payment to--- 1303 Peterson, Stuart C., payment to--------- 1360 Pethersky, Joseph, payment to ---------- 1274 Petroleum Administration, appropriation for audited claims---------_ -- --- -- _ 96 Petroleum Conservation Division. See Interior, Department of the. Petroleum Reserves. See Naval Petro- leum Reserves. Pfeiffer, Louis, payment to ------------ 1318 Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, time extended for construction of viaduct, D. C- ------ 641 Philadelphia, Pa.: Appropriation for- Hydrographic office expenses------- 246 Mint---------- -- _-- ----------- _ 135 Naval Home, maintenance, etc ---- 230 Navy Yard, improvements- __- - 1141, 1142 Delaware River, improvement author- ized from, to sea- -------- ----- _- 803 Philippine Insurrection, members of Navy and Marine Corps discharged be- cause of minority, etc., during, deemed honorably discharged ------------- 940 Pensions and increases in pensions granted for service in------------ 440 Philippine Islands: Appropriation for- Filipino emigration from United States, transportation expenses-- 89 High Commissioner to, Office of----- 669 Cordage, etc., limitation on imports entering duty free, time extension - 1534 Detail of United States Government employees to, authorized --------- 442 Exportation of merchandise to, for drawback purposes, time extended for - ...--..-...........--- Phoenix, Ariz., appropriation for educa- tion of Indians ------------------- Phonograph Records, termination of tax 1528 309 on ----. . ..--.--.--- ___ __ ._ .- 6 Phony Peach Eradication, appropriation for ------------_---------------- 731 Phosphate Resources of United States, joint congressional committee to in- vestigate; establishment, composi- tion, duties, etc----------------- 704, 705 Photographs, making of unauthorized, of military and naval defenses pro- hibited -------------.- ---- ---- ---- 3 Physical Hydrography, appropriation for research -------- .-- -- -- -- --- -- -- 280