Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1701

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INDEX Savannah River, Clark Hill project, reim- bursement of State of South Carolina authorized ___________ Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. See Federal Savings and Loan Insur- ance Corporation. Sawyer, Bickford E. (Maj.), credit in accounts-----___________________- Scheier, Carl J., provisions of Employees' Compensation Act extended to -- _ Scherer, James, payment to guardian of-_ Schifferdecker, Jacob, payment to ----- Schmidt, Garden, and Martin, payment to--__------------------------___ Schmidt, Heinrich, G. m . b . H. , of Flens- burg, Germany, payment to ------- Schmitt, Frank M., payment to-------- Schnoor, William, payment to _______ - - Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, appropria- tion for improvements----------_ _ Schofield, Frank, credit in accounts _ --- Schoolfield, Joseph D., provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to--..........................----------------------------- Schwarze, William J., payment to------ Scientific Congress, Eighth American: Appropriation authorized for expenses _ Invitation to Pan American Republics to participate - ----------- __- -- Scientific Radio Union, International, appropriation for contribution ---- _ Scientific Unions, International Council of, appropriation for contribution- -- Scituate, Mass., harbor improvement au- thorized -- ___- __---___-_____- -__- Scott Field, Ill. , appropriation for acqui- sition of land--------------------- Scott, John L. (Maj.), credit in accounts_ Scott, Obey C., payment to------------- Scott's Creek, Va., examination author- Page 1217 1306 1276 1277 1333 1397 1268 1419 1333 652 1314 1329 1332 675 675 254 254 803 652 1307 1367 ized...........

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806 Scruggs, Eula, payment to -------------- 1306 Sea Food Inspectors Act, appropriation for enforcement- -------------------- 743 Sea Scout Department, Boy Scouts of America, disposal of material of Bu- reau of Lighthouses to, authorized__ 692 Seacoast Defenses, appropriation for---. 659 Seamen. See also Shipping; Vessels. Employment and wage conditions, in- vestigation by Maritime Commis- sion --------_ --- --- --- --- --- --- 955 Issuance of certain certificates to, by designated inspectors, authorized_ 343 Seattle, Wash.: Appropriation for- Assay office ----------------------- 135 Dispatch agency ---------------- 251, 252 Hydrographic office expenses _ --- --_ 246 Second Assistant Postmaster General, Office of. See Post Office Depart- ment. Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, Fis- cal Year 1938 --- __ _ .----.....-._ Second Judicial Circuit, appointment of additional judge authorized -----. _ Second Liberty Bond Act, Amendment, face amounts of bonds, certificates of indebtedness, etc., limitations--_ _ _ _ Secret Service Division. See Treasury Department. Secretary of Agriculture. See also Agri- culture, Department of. Commodity Credit Corporation stock held by, transfer to United States-_ Secretary of Commerce. See also Com- merce, Department of. Export reduction of American agricul- tural products, expenditure of funds for survey of causes of, under di- rection of --------------- __-____ Secretary of Labor. See Labor, Depart- ment of. Secretary of State. See also State, De- partment of. Air navigation, notice to Civil Aero- nautics Authority of negotiations with foreign governments for agree- ments for establishment or devel- opment of ---- _ -- ---------- - ___ American Scientific Congress, Eighth, expenditure of participation funds under supervision of ------------ Foreign-trade routes, additional oper- ating-differential subsidy; consul- tation with, before granting------ International Conference on Private Air Law, Fourth, expenditure of participation funds under super- vision of------------- __. ._ _ International Law, Commission of Ex- perts on Codification of, expendi- ture of participation funds under supervision of ---------------- __ International Seed Testing Association, Ninth Congress, disbursements un- der supervision of-------.--___- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Seventh General As- sembly, expenditure of participa- tion funds under supervision of__ - Military Medicine and Pharmacy, Tenth International Congress of, expenditure of participation funds under supervision of ------------ Pan American Highway Conference, Third, expenditure of participation funds under sunervision of 1665 Page 1114 584 447 107 37 1014 675 959 350 1146 210 409 1146 408