Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/171

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130 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 55 -MAR. 28, 1938 [52 STAT. Station improve- Rebuilding and repairing stations: For rebuilding and repairing stations and houses of refuge, temporary leases, rent, and improve- ments of property for Coast Guard purposes, including use of addi- tional land where necessary, $332,500; Communication Communication lines: For coastal communication lines and facili- lin es . ties and their maintenance, and communication service, $201,400; Civilian field em- Civilian employees: For compensation of civilian employees in ploy e es. the field, including clerks to district commanders and per diem labor, $205,200; Contingent expen- Contingent expenses: For contingent expenses, including subsist- ses . ence of shipwrecked and destitute persons succored by the Coast Guard and of prisoners while in the custody of the Coast Guard; for the recreation, amusement, comfort, contentment, and health of the enlisted men of the Coast Guard, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding $40,000; instruments and apparatus, supplies, technical books and periodicals, services necessary to the carrying on of scientific investigation, and not exceed- ing $4,000 for experimental and research work; care, transportation, and burial of deceased officers and enlisted men, including those who die in Government hospitals; apprehension of deserters; wharfage, towage, freight, storage, advertising, surveys, medals, newspapers, tRfle matcee, en- and periodicals for statistical purposes; entrance fees in matches for tfee et the rifle team, and special equipment therefor; and all other neces- sary expenses which are not included under any other heading; $113,000; Repairs to vessels. Repairs to vessels: For repairs to Coast Guard vessels and boats, exclusive of aircraft, including cost of salvage operations when inci- dent to the repairs thereof, $1,600,000; Aircraft repairs. For repairs to Coast Guard aircraft, including cost of salvage operations when incident to the repairs thereof, $515,187; Aviation shore sta- No part of the appropriations contained in this Act under the Coast Guard, nor of any appropriation heretofore made, shall be used for the construction for the Coast Guard of any new permanent aviation shore station or for the permanent enlargement of the capac- ity of any existing aviation shore station, but this limitation shall not apply to expenditures for completion of construction for which funds were made available prior to February 5 1936; Replanement air- Replacement airplanes: For replacement airplanes and their equip- Post, p . 1151. ment, including radio equipment, spare parts, and accessories, $270,000; Additional vessels. Additional vessels: For additional harbor cutters and their equip- AmPot for admin- ment, $700,000, to be immediately available: Provided, That not to Istrative expenses. exceed 4 per centum of the amount appropriated for this purpose shall be available for administrative expenses in connection there- with; Total, Coast Guard, exclusive of Office of the Commandant, ovi8onexp $25,049,287: Provided, That not more than a total of $1,924,820 out Antc, p. 129. of the appropriations contained in this Act under the caption "Coast Guard" except the appropriations "Salaries, Office of the Comman- dant" and "Replacement airplanes", shall be expended for aviation. Intenge of ap- Interchange of appropriations: Such part of any appropriation for the Coast Guard, contained in this Act, except the appropriations "Pay and allowances", "Civilian employees", and "Salaries, Office of the Commandant", as may be necessary for freight and express charges on materials, supplies, and equipment, may be transferred, with the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to the appropriation for contingent expenses of the Coast Guard in order to make such payments.