Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1717

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INDEX Virginia-Continued. Eastern Judicial District, terms of court at Newport News ----- ______ Military Road, conveyance of portion to National Airport Corporation authorized ------------- ___..___ Lease of adjoining land authorized-- Payment required for substitute road_ Muhlenberg, Gen. Peter Gabriel, ap- propriation authorized for erection of monument to memory of, at Woodstock

______-___-- Rivers and harbors, improvements au- thorized - _- ___-____ . .-- ___. __- Preliminary examinations authorized- Western judicial district, appointment of additional judge authorized- --- Virus-Serum-Toxin Act: Appropriation for expenses under----- Provisions not affected by Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act ----. - - - Vocational Education, appropriation for - Vocational Rehabilitation, appropriation for --


--- .. ..--- -_ --- Volunteer Reserve, Navy: Composition, etc ------------. -- - - -- Officers, number above grade of lieu- tenant commander-------------- Vres, Yalga. See Vresh, Elizabeth. Vresh, Elizabeth, deportation order can- celed; admission deemed lawful----- Vresh, Frederick, deportation order can- celed; admission deemed lawful----- W Wabash River: Examination authorized at Terre Haute, Ind ----------------------- Levee Units, examination authorized of designated -------------------- Time extended for bridging, at Merom, Page 674 213 214 214 767 803 806, 1223 585 721 1059 336 337 1185 1182 1431 1431 1224 1224 Ind --------------------------- 1229 Waccamaw River, N. C. and S. C., exam- ination authorized ---------------- 1224 Waddle, O. W ., provisions of Employees' Compensation Act extended to------ 1295 Wage and Hour Division. See Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. Wage Earners' Plans. See Bankruptcy Act of 1898, Amendments. Wages and Hours. See Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. Wagner-Peyser Act. See United States Employment Service. Wahpeton, N. Dak., appropriation for education of Indians-------------- 309 Wake Island, exclusion of, from territory where tariff laws applicable--------- 1077 Walker, Charles, payment to------- 1274, 1384 1681 Walker, Dorothy Anne, payment to guard- Page ian of ------------------------- 1327 Walker, Eddie, payment to------------- 1386 Walker, Perry, payment to------------ 1400 Walker River, Calif. and Nev., examina- tion authorized ------------------- 1225 Walker River Irrigation Project, Nev., ap- propriation for ----------------- 304,307 Walla Walla, Wash., construction of res- ervoir for protection of, authorized_ - 1222 Wallace, Idaho, appropriation for care of graves of fire fighters -------------- 727 Wallace, John O., payment to----------- 1363 Walsh, J. N . (Dr.), payment to --------- 1340 Wapato Indian Irrigation Project, Yakima, Wash., assessment rate, amount; mod- ification of annual repayment sched- ule authorized-------------------- 80 Wapato Irrigation and Drainage System, Wash., appropriation for mainte- nance, etc -------------------- 306, 307 War Claims Act of 1928. See Settlement of War Claims Act, 1928. War Department. See also Army. Appropriation for- Adjutant General's Department---- 645 Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans----- 645 Welfare of enlisted men ---------- 645 Air Corps------------------------ 654 Army Medical Museum------------ 644 Army War College-------------- 93, 645 Audited claims------ 100, 102 , 1159, 1162 Cavalry, Chief of ---------------- 659 Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kans__ 659 Chemical Warfare Service --------- 658 Citizens' Military Training--__--- - 664 Coast Artillery, Chief of------------ 659 Coast Artillery School, Fort Mon- roe, Va -------------------- 659 Seacoast defenses --------------- 659 Contingencies, Army -------------- 644 Military Intelligence Division --- 644 Contingent expenses, Department--- 643 Damage claims ----------------- 94, 1155 Engineers, Corps of------ 93, 657, 669, 1154 Engineer School, maintenance, etc_ 657 Flood control------------------- 670 Lowell Creek, Alaska ---------- 671 Mississippi River and tributa- ries ----------------- 671,1154 Emergency expenditures-..- 93,671 Salmon Creek, Alaska --------- 671 Flushing Bay, N. Y., improvement_ 1154 Lake of the Woods and Rainy River, Minn., protective works, etc-- 93 Rivers and harbors------------ 93,669 Damage claims------------ 1154 Field Artillery, Chief of ------------ 659 Field Artillery School ----------- 659 .