Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1723

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INDEX Wlynkpawin, credit of amount for use of estate of ------------------------ Wolfer, Emons, payment to----------- Women's Bureau. See Labor, Depart- ment of. Woodstock, Va., appropriation authorized for erection of monument to memory of Gen. Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg Page 1395 1438 at------------------------------ 767 Wool Tops, provisions of Commodity Exchange Act extended to -------- 205 Work Relief, additional appropriation for, fiscal year 1938------------------- 83 Work Relief and Public Works Appropria- tion Act of 1938------------------- 809 Works Progress Administration: Appropriation for ------------------- 809 Damage claims-------------- 93, 94, 1155 District of Columbia, sponsor's con- tribution, non-construction proj- ects------------------------ 1123 National Youth Administration ---- 810 Administrative expenses, limitation on amount------------------------- 812 Allocation of funds to other Federal agencies---------------------- 811 Apportionment of funds over period; exception --------------------- - 810 Classes of projects authorized -------- 809 Damage claims, ascertainment and pay- ment ------------------------- 815 Extension of, until June 30, 1939------ 811 Injured relief workers, allocation of funds to Public Health Service for medical, etc., assistance to, author- ized-------------------------- 1152 Relief investigation, D. C ., assistance by --------------------------- 162 Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, N. J., reimbursement of employees for property losses----------------- 1428 World Power Conference, Third, appro- priation for printing transactions of- 1127 World War Veterans. See also Veterans; Veterans' Administration. Widows and children, provisions govern- ing death-compensation benefits lib- eralized----------------------- 352 Payments, effective date of -------- 352 Service connection of disability, deter- mination of ---------------- 353 "Widow of a World War veteran" de- fined--------------------- 35 World War Veterans' Act, 1924, insurance, yearly, renewable term, compromise of claims by Attorney General author-


81 Iztu------

-- -- -- -- --- --- -- --- 1687 World's Poultry Congress and Exposition, Page 1939, importation of dutiable articles free of duty; regulations------------ 756 Worrell, Dossie E. (Mr. and Mrs.), claim referred to district court ---------- 1398 Wray, Colo., examination authorized for flood-control purposes ---------- - 1225 Wray, George, payment to---------- 1367 Wright Brothers, payment to ---------- 1363 Wright, James M., payment to--------- 1426 Wyoming: Appropriation for- Federal employers' tax, return of por- tion ----------------------- 1148 Grand Teton National Park, adminis- tration, etc------------------- 331 Indians, support, etc., of---- 307, 312, 317 Kendrick project, construction ----- 322 North Platte project, operation, etc- ----------------------- 320 Riverton project, construction, opera- tion, etc------------- 320,322,1133 Shoshone project, construction- _ _ _ 320, 322 Yellowstone National Park, adminis- tration, etc------------------- 332 Black Hills National Forest, lands added to ----

National Guard, credit to account of, authorized-------------------- Shoshone reclamation project, revenues- Shoshone (Wind River) Reservation, lands------------------------- Snake River, compact with Idaho for division of waters of, consent given- 686 687 210 778 379 Y Yachts. See Vessels. Yakima Indian Reservation, Wash., appro- priation for maintenance, etc., Wapato irrigation and drainage system------ 306 Yakima Project, Wash., appropriation for operation, etc ---------------- 320,322 Yakima River, Wash., construction of levees authorized ----------------- 1223 Yakima, Wash., construction of levees authorized for protection of--------- 1223 Yampa River, Colo., examination author- ized ------------------------ Yarbrough, W. B., payment to--------- Yards and Docks, Bureau of. See Navy Department. Yates, Lulu, payment to

Yates, Madeline, payment to------- Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., appro- priation for administration, etc ------ Yelton, J. H., payment to------------ Yosemite National Park, Calif., appropria- tion for administration, etc-------- 1225 1402 1317 1317 332 1273 333 »ZU_ -----------------------------