Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/181

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 55 -MAR . 28 , 1938 Miscellaneous items, Treasury Depart- ment. American Printing House for the Blind, expenses. 44 Stat. 1060. 20U.S.C. §101. Short title. Title II-Post Office Department Appro- priation Act, 1939. 5Stat. 80. 5U.S.C.§380;39 U.S. c. § 786. Post Office Depart- ment, Washington, D.O . Office of Postmaster General. Salaries. Salaries in bureaus and offices. Amounts. Department con- tingent expenses. Stationery, etc. Vehicles. Federal land banks and other banks and corporations under the supervision of the Farm Credit Administration, Railroad Retire- ment Board, Soil Conservation 'Service, including Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment, Social Security Board, Federal Housing Administration, United States Housing Authority, Civilian Con- servation Corps, and corporations and banks under the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to cover the expenses incurred on account of such respective activities in clearing of checks, servicing of bonds, handling of collections, and rendering of accounts therefor. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, TREASURY DEPARTMENT AMERICAN PRINTING HOUSE FOR THE BLIND To enable the American Printing House for the Blind more adequately to provide books and apparatus for the education of the blind in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved Feb- ruary 8, 1927 (20 U. S . C . 101), $115,000. This title may be cited as the "Treasury Department Appropria- tion Act, 1939". TITLE II-POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT The following sums are appropriated in conformity with the Act of July 2, 1836 (5 U. S. C. 380, 39 U. S. C. 786), for the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, namely: POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER GENERAL Salaries: For the Postmaster General and other personal services in the office of the Postmaster General in the District of Columbia, $228,344. SALARIES IN BUREAUS AND OFFICES For personal services in the District of Columbia in bureaus and offices of the Post Office Department in not to exceed the following amounts, respectively: Office of the First Assistant Postmaster General, $387,000. Office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $580,520. Office of the Third Assistant Postmaster General, $788,000. Office of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, $470,000. Office of the Solicitor for the Post Office Department, $81,280. Office of the chief inspector, $230,000. Office of the purchasing agent, $47,240. Bureau of Accounts, $104,930. CONTINGENT EXPENSES, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT For contingent and miscellaneous expenses; stationery and blank books, index and guide cards, folders and binding devices, including purchase of free penalty envelopes; telegraph and telephone service, furniture and filing cabinets and repairs thereto; purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of tools, electrical supplies, typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices; maintenance of motor trucks and of two motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles, to be used only for official purposes (one for the Postmaster General and one for the general use of the Department); street-car fares; 140 [52 STAT.